The nature and importance of places- Strand 1 Flashcards
Tourist Gaze
Organised by business entrepreneurs and governments and consumed by the public.
where a place is on a map, its latitude and longitude coordinates
A place is shaped by the people people, cultures and customs within it.
Sense of place
subjective and emotional attachments people have to a place.
people who live in a place.
people who visit the place.
What’s an outsider’s perspective?
neutral- opinion isn’t affected
Whats’s an insider’s perspective?
intimate-know a place very well
Things Insiders are or can do?
1) born there or parents born there
2) Able to access all countries citizenship benefits
3) Can work and vote in that country
4) Understands the ways of the area and adapted yourself to fit
5) should have a sense of place
Things Outsiders are or can do?
1) May be seeking asylum
2) Don’t understand ways of locals
3) May be isolated
Sense of place, can be so strong that?
it features as a central part of our identity
what 3 things can change the nature of a place?
- social
- economic
- environmental
Far Places
global in scale and include both physical and virtual spaces.
Near Places
local area where people live, work and places they visit regularly, e.g A shopping center.
Experienced Places
Places we know and have visited. May include the work place.