The nature and extent of social change. Flashcards
What did Reagan try and change ‘welfare’ to?
By January 1987, how many states were running work programmes?
In 1970 and 1985, how many low-income homes were available to families who applied for them?
1970= 2.4 million and 1985=3.7 million
How much was spent on low cost housing projects in 1978 and 1988?
1978= $32.2 billion and 1988= $9.2 billion
How much funding was given to projects for the homeless in 1984 and 1988?
1984= $300 million and 1988= $1.6 billion
When was the McKinney Act that set up the Federal Emergency Management Food and Shelter Program?
When was the Job Training Partnership Act that moved job training from federal to state and private schemes?
13 October 1982
When was the Social Security Reform Bill that linked payments to inflation?
20 April 1983
When was the McKinney Vento Homeless Assistance Act that set up the Federal Emergency Management Food and Shelter Program?
22 July 1987
When was the Family Support Act passed?
13 October 1988
Between 1980 and 1987, by how much did the average mortgage debt increase?
30% and rate of foreclosure quadrupled
How many hours of leisure time did workers have in 1973 and 1987?
1973= 26 hours per week and 1987= 16 hours per week
How many racial discrimination lawsuits were there in Reagan’s first six months versus Nixon’s first six months?
Nixon= 24 and Regan= 5
What percentage of funding was withdrawn from bilingual education by the Reagan government?
How many new small businesses were formed in the years 1981-1982?
In 1980, 17%of farmers were getting what percentage of the subsidy fund for farmers?
When was the National Save the Family Farm Coalition setup?
In 1983, how many farms were sold each month?
What percentage of the population in Detroit and Cleveland were living below the poverty line?
What was the percentage unemployment in California and the States on the East Coast in 1987?
What was the percentage unemployment for the rest of country besides California and the East Coast in 1987?
What percentage of all new businesses and all new jobs were in California and the East Coast?
75% of new businesses and 60% of new jobs