The Natural World Flashcards
Environmental impacts of Logging
(adj.) sống ở nước
Logging can also damage aquatic habitats.
(n.) số lượng lớn
From shipping crates to paper bags, the logging industry supplies the raw materials for an array of products.
(n.) phòng ngự, bảo vệ
Trees provide a natural defense against air pollution.
(n.) sự phá rừng
Deforestation impacts rainfall patterns, leading to flooding as well as drought and forest fires.
(n.) môi trường
This is not without untold harm to the environment
(n.) sự xói mòn, ăn mòn
Tree roots also stabilize the soil and help prevent erosion
(v.) mở rộng, kéo dài
The Amazon rain forest extends from Brazil into neighboring countries.
(v.) đốn, chặt
The effects of logging extend beyond just the felling of a swath of trees.
(n.) môi trường sống tự nhiên
The damage includes habitat loss, pollution, and climate change in all areas in the world.
(n.) ảnh hưởng, tác động mạnh
The essay is about the impact of logging on the weather.
(v.) ngăn chặn, làm chậm lại
Vegetation along rivers and stream banks helps maintain a steady water flow by blocking the entry of soil and other residue, and tree shade inhibits the growth of algae.
(v.) chắn, chặn đứng
The canopy prevents surface runoff by intercepting heavy rainfall so that water can drip down slowly onto the porous earth.
(n.) việc chặt phá rừng (vì mục đích thương mại)
From shipping crates to paper bags, the logging industry supplies the raw materials for an array of products.
(adj.) nhiều, vô số
The rain forest floor, home to myriad plant life as well as insects, worms, reptiles and amphibians, and small mammals, relies on dense canopy of branches and leaves to keep it healthy and intact.
/’nju:triənt/ /’nu:triənt/
(n.) thức ăn
Nutrients, water, and shelter for plants, animals, and microorganisms throughout the ecosystem are also lost.
(n.) sự ô nhiễm
The damage includes habitat loss, pollution, and climate change, with the effects spanning the globe.