The Native Guard Flashcards
Theories of Time and Space
Part I
Theme: relationship between the person and the place
irregular - caesura, enjamblement
Feels like a riddle
Even if you return to a place, it’s not the same. You have probably changed. Doesn’t feel like home.
The Southern Crescent
Part I
irregular - caesura, enjamblement - you’re pulled, you’re forced to carry out, like the impulse to leave home
theme: The Southern Crescent
high expectations, personal investments, disappointment
Train rides with and without her mother to meet fathers
the first part deals with…
The first part deals with someone’s personal connection to a place, and all the memories that go with it.
the second part deals with…
the history of a place, and how the events in a location are remembered. The events in Mississippi have been remembered from the white perspective, and the contribution of ex-slaves has been deleted from history.
the third part…
combines the two, and looks at how racist attitudes in society damage families and make growing up extremely tough for young black children.
Genus Narcissus
Part I
Beaty, illusion, self-reflection, identity
irregular - caesura, enjamblement
Her as a little girl bringing the yellow flowers - she now
realises she did it for validation
“from the sill. Be taken with yourself,/ they said to me; Die early, to my mother.”
Graveyard Blues
Part I
mortality, grief, and the transient nature of human existence.
Her going through the graveyard after burying her mother, exploring the memories, histories, and the interconnectedness of life and death
regular structure - rhyme ( 3 strofe, all the same rhyme - 2 exacly the same, last one is slant), structure like song, Emotion in the purest way
last verse only has 2 lines, not tree →song stops, pattern broken - grief
What the Body Can Say
grief, solace, failure, interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit
“her face tilted up/at me, her mouth falling open, wordless, just as/we open our mouths in church to take in the wafer/meaning communion? What matters is context”
The funeral was not an event of closure
The ways in which physical gestures, movements, and expressions can reveal the innermost thoughts and emotions of individuals who have endured trauma or hardship.
Her semiotic ability has failed her, context matters
Structure: 2 line stanzas with enjambment to carry the idea onto the next one - yes there are moments for reflections but they don’t provide closure, caesura
Photograph: Ice Storm, 1971
memory, impermanence, transformation, trauma
the question mark - no closure here, unresolved
3 lines per verse but it has caesura and enjamblement
of what’s inside—mother, stepfather’s fist?”
What is Evidence
history, the ways in which evidence can be interpreted and manipulated, justice, the power dynamics inherent in the construction of history (marginalised voices), the reliability of evidence
Structure of a sonnet (14 lines, love) but with irregular features - caesura, enjamblemet
Looking at her mother’s dead body and wondering what was going on - asking questions
The poem raises questions about the reliability of evidence, especially in contexts where certain voices and perspectives have been marginalized or silenced.
+ quote
part I
‘because of the way you left me: how suddenly
a simple errand, a letter—everything—can go wrong.’
resilience and the human capacity to seek solace and understanding through written expression, the complexities of longing, nostalgia, and the desire to bridge distances
How writing a letter to a friend is reminding her of the traumatic event
The poem takes the form of a letter addressed to someone absent or inaccessible.
After Your Death
part I
moving on and letting go
The figs are not healthy - Natasha isn’t ready to move on but she thinks she is (represent immortality, the fruit of heaven, Christian, metaphor for your readiness to receive God)
imagery: “bruised” “split” “plucked” aggressive imagery violent adjectives to show that moving on is too painful; “tomorrow” she postpones
Emptying her mom’s closet - the act of moving on +
aggressive imagery violent adjectives to show that moving on is too painful
Enjambment - gives it momentum, continues her mother s story
part I
Guilt, inability to move on, repeatedness
enjbamlement, Mirroring the underworld - palindromic (reads the same backward or forward)
Everyday she sleeps dreams of her mom, she tries to bring her back
At Dusk
part I
the call of home and how it is so often ignored, the inevitability of endings, loss and longing
The cat in the poem could be said to symbolise those who, for one reason or another, choose not to spend time at home and who are easily distracted by the “luminous possibilities” of life away from home and hearth.
The image of dusk, with its fading light, serves as a metaphor for the ephemeral nature of existence and the inevitability of endings
one big stanza
part II
Historical memory and remembrance
The passage of time and its impact on collective identity
The juxtaposition of the past and present
The enduring legacy of war and conflict
The interplay between personal experience and broader historical narratives
context of visiting Mississippi, deeply intertwined with the history of the Civil War.
caezura, enjamblement