The National Party And Apartheid Flashcards
What was apartheid a continuation of?
A continuation of a system of racial segregation that was created long before 1948.
In South Africa’s ______ and _______ racism and racial segregation ha doesn’t practiced by whites for decades.
What happened in 1910?
The formation of the Union of South Africa. The consisting of the Union gave special privileges to whites.
What was a passed in 1913?
The Native’s Land Act.
What was the land act?
African people were allowed to own about 13% of the land.
The rest of the land was to be kept for white ownership and occupation although whites were about ___ Of the population.
What were the black reserves?
Scattered pieces of land mainly in the east or the country, the unequal access to land was one of main ways that Africans were kept separate.
The land issue later became one of the pillars of ______.
Were black Africans , coloreds and Indians the same?
No black Africans were far more disadvantaged
What were the other segregation laws?(4)
- Blacks were not allowed to vote
- People live in towns and cities according to their skin colour
- Africans in the cities were only allowed to stay as long as their Labour was needed by whites.
- the job color bar gave white people jobs rather than black people, and a white person was paid more for doing the same job as a black person. A white skin was a better recommendation for a job ability.
What were pass laws?
Pass laws controlled the movement of Africans. African men outside the reserves had to carry passes which allowed them to work and live in cities. The police would arrest anyone without a pass and they were fined or sent to jail.
What are born frees?
South Africans born after the end of apartheid, after 1994
When did apartheid end?
What did the laws aim to do?(3)
- Increase the power and living standards of whites
- Increase the separation of races
- Control the movement of black people
Apartheid laws affected every ____ of the lives of all South Africans. White people’s lives became ______ while blacks experienced _______.
The laws were to reserve the best of all the ______ and ________ or amenities for whites.
Separate Amenities Act
Beaches,parks etc and nearly all public amenities were segregated. Whites were allowed to use the best amenities.
The Suppression Of Communism Act and the Terrorism Act
This law banned any political organization that the National Party did not like, by calling them communists or terrorists. People were arrested, detained and tortured without trial under these acts.
Bantu Education Act.
Black children received an inferior education
Bantu Self Government Act
This set up a system of homelands or Bantustans for Africans
Population Registration Act
This law classified all South Africans into Europeans, coloreds, Indians and Africans.
Passes’ Act
All African men had to carry reference books or pass books. Passes were used to control the movement of African male workers between rural and urban areas.
Group Areas Act
Special areas were set aside as residential and business areas for particular races. Many people were forced to move under this act.
Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act and the Immorality Act
These laws forbade marriages between blacks and whites, and made it illegal for black and white people to have sexual relations with each other.