The Narrative Life of Frederick Douglass - Themes - Religion Flashcards
“You are ———’s swift winged ———, that fly round — ——; I am ———– to —— of —–!”
freedom’s / angels / the world / confided / hands / iron
- crisis of faith
= does God allow him to be a slave? since there is a God, he will surely help him be free, rather then turning away from Him.
“true picture of ——– - ——— ———–.”
slave-holding religion
- appendix is dedicated to making this distinction of what makes slavery a perversion of Christianity
“infernal —– of ———- find the ———- ———–”
deeds / slavery / strongest protection
Religion acts as a cover for sins
“I do verily ———– that he ———– deceived himself into the ——- ——–, that he was an ——— worshipper of the most —– —–.”
believe / sometimes / solemn / belief / sincere / high God
Perversion of Christianity
- all an act
‘Christianity of ———-‘ VS ‘Christianity of this —-‘
Christ / Land
Perversion of Christianity - his distinction he makes