The Multi-store Model Of Memory Flashcards
Who created the multi-store model of memory [ MSM]
Atkinson and shiffrin [1968]
How do we process the information with the model of memory?
Linear model: info flows through the system in one direction
Passive stores: the store hold on to info before being passed on or lost
Name the 3 stores of the MSM
Sensory register
Short term memory
Long term memory
What is coding?
The different info types the brain uses to store memory
What is capacity?
How much into can bo hold by a store
What is duration?
How long into can no held in that store for before loss
What is sensory register?
- Sensory into coming from one senses is detected automatically.
- all the into found In the STM and LTM was first gathered by the sensory register
- into is then passed on by paying attention
What is the coding for sr?
- Store depends on the sense organ that the into come from
Iconic = vision
Echoic = sound
Gustatory = taste
Olfactory = smell
Modality specific [ for the entire senses]
What is the capacity of the sr?
- Very large
has to contain an the sense impressions for all the senses in the moment however only what is paid attention to is passed to STM
What is duration of sr?
- Very short duration
[ because not of into is held it can’t be retained for very long]
What is short term memory?
Receives into from the sensory register by paying attention
What is the coding for short term memory?
Info in STM is stored acoustically (in the form of sound/spoken words)
What is the capacity of STM?
Miller suggested this is small approximately 7 items plus or minus 2 items [ 5-9 ] and can be improved by chunking [making small groups of items ] this reduces the number of items overall
what is the duration of STM?
Short, 18 - 30 seconds however duration of into can be extended by verbal rehearsal (rehearsal loop)
How does STM pass info to LTM?
STM passes into to LTM through rehearsal this is either maintenance rehearsal [repeating the info ] on elaborate rehearsal [linking to info already in LTM]
- in to is passed back from long-term memory with retrieval and information can be lost to be displacement (new information) or decay (lost overtime)