The multi store model of memory Flashcards
Outline the multi-store model
- Created by Atkinson and Shiffrin and describes how information flows through the memory system
Draw the multi-store model of memory
stimulus from the environment - sensory register - STM - LTM
- include arrows between each
describe the sensory register
- All stimulus from the environment passes into the sensory register
- It contains several registers for each of our 5 senses.
- the store for visual information is iconic memory
- the store for auditory information is echoic
- The duration of the SR is brief and less than half a second
- It has a very high capacity
Describe STM
- it codes mainly acoustically and lasts about 18 seconds until rehearsed
- has a limited capacity (7 plus or minus 2)
- maintenance rehearsal can help us keep info in our STM and eventually our LTM
Describe LTM
- Codes semantically
- Information from the LTM can be transferred to STM through retrieval
Identify a strength of the MSM
- it is supported by studies that show that STM and LTM are different
- Baddely showed that the STM stores info aucoustically and LTM does so semantically
- this shows that the STM and LTM are clearly seperate and independent memory stores
Identify 2 limitation of the MSM
L : There is evidence of more than one STM store. Shallice and Warrington studied a client (KF) who had a clinical memory disorder called amnesia. KF’s STM was very poor when digits were read out to him but it improved when he read the digits himself
- this shows there are regsiters within the STM for non verbal sounds
L: Prolonged rehearsal may not be needed to transfer information to LTM. Craik and Watkins found that the type of rehearsal is more important. Elaborative rehearsal is required for LTM storage. This occurs when u think about what something means or link new information to existing information