The Multi Store Model Of Memory - 12/12/23 Flashcards
What is the Multi Store Model of Memory?
- A representation of how memory works in terms of three stores; sensory register, STM and LTM.
- Describes how info is transferred from one store to another, how it’s remembered and how its forgotten.
What does Sensory Register mean (SR)?
- The memory store for each of our 5 senses, such as vision (iconic store) and hearing (echoic store)
- Coding in iconic sensory register is visual and in the echoic sensory register it’s acoustic.
- Capacity of SR is huge and info lasts for very short time - less than half a second
What does Short Term Memory mean?
The limited capacity memory store. Coding is mainly acoustic and cacpaity is between 5 to 9 items. Duration is 18s-30s
What does Long Term Memory mean?
The permanent memory store. Coding is semantic and it has unlimited capacity. Duration is unlimited.
Which component of the Multi Store Model do all the stimuli of environment pass into?
Sensory register
What does iconic store mean?
What does echoic store mean?
What is the coding in the iconic ensory register?
What is the coding in the echoic sensory register?
What is the capacity for Sensory Register?
High capacity
What is the duration of Sensory register?
Less than half a second
What is the coding for Sensory Register overall? [5]
- Iconic
- Echoic
- Olfactory
- Haptic
- Gustatory
Who developed the Multi Store Model of Memory and when?
Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968)
What happens after half a second when info is stored?
It’s forgotten
The SR is _____ specific.