The multi store model of memory Flashcards
Multi Store Model
a representation of how memory works in terms of 3 stores called sensory register, short term memory and long term memory.
It also describes how information is transferred from one store to another, how it is remembered and how it is forgotten.
Sensory Register
A stimulus from an environment will pass into the sensory registers.
2 main stores are called ionic memory (visual information is coded visually) and echoic memory (information is coded acoustically).
Duration is less than half a second.
High capacity
Short-Term memory (STM)
Limited capacity store between 5-9 items
Maintenance rehearsal occurs when we repeat material to ourselves over and over again.
Prolonged rehearsal leads to LTM
Long-Term memory (LTM)
coded semantically
Although this material is stored in LTM, when we want to recall it, it has to be transferred back into STM by retrieval