The monarchy and respect for the monarchy Flashcards
What was the monarchy?
Source of unity and authority
Responsible for the protection of its subjects
Responsible for ensuring that the laws of the land were upheld
Held power from God
What was commonly believed?
That an act against the monarch was sin against God
What did governments stress?
The relationship between subject and master
The need to keep one’s place in society and respect the authority of one’s superior
How did those in authority underline this idea?
Through the concept of the Great Chain of Being
Everyone had a place in society and any attempt to usurp one’s position was likely to result in chaos
What was increasingly publicised by the Tudors in (blank)?
Respect for authority
The second half of the sixteenth century
What did Richard Hooker say in his Laws of Ecclesiastical Policy in (blank)?
‘Every degree of people, in their vocation, calling and office, has appointed to them their duty and order’
From 1534 what happened?
Both spiritual and lay office holders swore oaths of allegiance and supremacy
Under Edward what happened and what did Elizabeth do?
Oaths of uniformity were added
Reinstituted by Elizabeth
Who took oaths of succession and supremacy?
Individuals and corporate institutions throughout the country
What did the Tudors make increasing use of, how many were issued, and when were they issued?
In the absence of parliament when speed was of the essence and the Crown wished to impart information immediately
What did Henry VII do in 1509 and what did the Duke of Northumberland do in 1553?
Proclaimed to end speculation surrounding the claims of a pretender
Authorised a proclamation to deny Mary’s right to the throne
What did the Crown do and how?
Kept informed as many of its subjects as was practicable
Copies were read out in parish churches and marketplaces