The molecular circadian clock and circadian rhythmicity Flashcards
Characteristics of circadian clocks
- a hierarchical network of central + peripheral clocks
- cell autonomous (pacemakers!)
- All clocks: same components, same properties but
○ peripheral clocks only affect the respective tissues + organs - Central clock (SCN):
○ entrains peripheral clocks
○ takes 4-12 h to synchronise the peripheral clocks
§ If one peripheral clock decided to be disrupted e.g. eating a meal in the middle of the night for several nights = that’s going to throw out the synchrony b/w the peripheral clocks + the body master clock = when eat in middle of night the enzymes for digestion are not there (not meant to be at night) = will really throw things off so there is no synchrony b/w the peripheral + master clocks
Yamazaki et al, 2000
Non-photic zeitgebers (feeding, activity, and stress):
- serve as time cues to peripheral tissue clocks
- can act on peripheral tissues:
○ influencing the phase of peripheral tissue clocks w/ the potential for putting them out of alignment w/ the phase set by the SCN (see later)
The molecular clock
- clock components regulate tissue function via expression of hundreds or thousands of genes in different organs
- networks of biochemical (transcriptional-translational) feedback loops that generate 24-h rhythms (i.e., a daily program of gene expression)
- During the day you will want to express a lot of genes = once these genes are expressed they produce target proteins e.g. target specific things e.g. when exercising to get fuel + energy need to activate the enzymes that can burn/mobilise carbs + fat to get ATP
Circadian rhythms = period
Circadian rhythms
* daily oscillations in gene expressions
PERIOD (per)
* Seymour Benzer (California Institute of Technology) + Ronald Konopka identified the gene PERIOD in fruit flies
* Nobel laureates Jeffrey C Hall, Michael Rosbash (Brandeis University) and Michael W Young (Rockefeller University) discovered the molecular mechanism that control the circadian rhythm
* This molecular mechanisms is the transcriptional-translational feedback loop
Transcriptional-translational feedback loops form the basis of the 24-hour rhythm
- –> Requires the process of transcription:
○ DNA makes RNA - –> Requires the process of translation:
○ RNA makes proteins
The promoter - a region of DNA where RNA polymerase begins to transcribe a gene
The 24-h transcriptional-translational feedback loops
Regulate the 24-h rhythms by linking tightly to:
* The daily light-dark cycle
* Day-night activities
○ Daytime: gene expressions – make target proteins for cellular tasks
○ Night-time: suppression of clock gene expression
§ Allows body to prepare for sleep + recovery (along w/ melatonin secretion + release
Transcriptional-translational feedback loop – the basis of the 24-hour rhythm
* Important transcriptional activators:
- Important transcriptional activators:
○ “BMAL1:CLOCK activator complex” of clock genes: Cry1, Cry2, Per1, Per2, Per3, CCGs - the Per gene encodes Period (PER)
- the Cry gene encodes Cryptochrome (CRY)
- PER-CRY dimers act to repress CLOCK:BMAL1 w/ a periodicity of ~24h
○ Become very stable when they attach = good as form an inhibitory process that suppress gene expressions at night
How circadian rhythms are generated..
- E-box = promoter = start where transcription can take place = for this to happen need the activator which is the complex BMAL1 + CLOCK
- Per + cry proteins in muscle not the same as in the skin or liver
At night turn off entire process
* As PER + CRY are being produced they also diffuse out into the cytoplasm, by nightfall a lot of these proteins are accumulating as well = but don’t want them at night in the cytoplasm = so we can turn off this pathway
* Per + cry can be destroyed by an enzyme known as proteasome = as they accumulate it will come along + chomp them up
* In addition per + cry but particularly the per protein is quite delicate - can easily be destroyed = so nature has it that they form a dimer (pair together) when they are paired they are more stable + is a good thing cause as a dimer they can come back into the nucleus + serve to inhibit the transcriptional-translational process = serve as a negative feedback loop on this system
The molecular clock has 3 key features:
- Entrainment
- Endogenous pacemaker
- Temp compensation
- Entrainment:
- The clock is entrained to the light-dark cycle
- Under light-dark cycle entrainment: –> Zeitgeber period T = 24h
- Zeitgebers can advance or delay the circadian clock
Actogram - activity-rest data in entrained organisms
* Diurnal – wakeful + active period occurs during the day
* Nocturnal – wakeful + active period occurs during the night
- eyes specialized for night vision
- Endogenous pacemaker
* clock is internal to the organism
* clock keeps track of time persistently even w/o external cues
* daily rhythms have a natural period close to a solar day w/ a natural rhythm τ ~24.2h
What is a free-running rhythm?
- Rhythms under free-running conditions
○ –> absence of zeitgebers (endogenous circadian period, tau τ)
○ i.e., rhythms not synced to any env stimuli (light/dark, temp) or behaviour (rest/activity)
○ e.g., Mimosa plant placed in constant darkness - Free-running rhythm: an exclusive feature of the endogenous circadian clock
The cave experiment 1938
* Study identified the endogenous circadian rhythm
* the 24-hr core body temp continued to fluctuate in an ~24-h cycle in the absence of external cues
* sleepiness was in sync w/ the temp cycle –> phase r/s
* Bedtime shifted 4h later each day during the Mammoth Cave study ∵ the circadian cycle was longer than 24-h (clock not reset)
Biological day and night
- Diurnal organism under entrained conditions of light-dark cycle
○ Beginning of biological day anchored to the onset of light - Subjective day and night
○ Diurnal organism under free-running conditions:
§ Beginning of subjective day anchored to the onset of activity
- The clock is temperature compensated
- The clock is not affected by external changes in temp –> a robust clock keeps time + its period length)
- seen in Drosophila, light-sensitive cyanobacteria, homoesthermic mammals
- Pittendrigh: studied Drosophila rhythm of eclosion over a temp range of 16–26°C.
The clock is temperature compensated
* Pittendrigh:
○ Drosophila rhythm of eclosion retained a 24 -h rhythmicity in total darkness over a temp 16 –26 ° C