The Miners Strike + Other Industrial Disputes Flashcards
What unions did thatchers economic policies around hostility from?
-public sector workers like COHSE + NUPE who became more militant along with teachers unions
-lengthy dispute over working conditions
What new laws constrained the role of the unions?
-1980 secondary picketing outlawed
-1984 unions put under pressure hold ballots before strike action called
What was the role of Rupert Murdoch?
-newspaper proprietor led by Australian press baron Murdoch tried reduced power of print unions
-major confrontational at Murdoch’s Wapping plant Jan 1986
What was the outcome?
-print unions failed prevent publication or distribution of any newspaper s
-the strike collapsed after 13 months
What was the worst struggle in terms of strikes?
-the miners strike 1984-85
-thatcher compared Falklands conflict with striking miners as ‘the enemy within’
What happened in 1981 regarding the miners which began the tensions?
-1981 National Coal Board warned need close 23 pits
How did the gov react to this?
-gov not felt ready for return events of 1973-74 + compromised reducing amount of coal imported protecting the subsidy to NCB
-thus preventing the closures
How did the gov in 1984 seem prepared + confident?
-huge stocks of coal built up at power stations
-flow of North Sea oil made it less likely an energy crisis as in 1973
What did the NCB announce in 1984?
-McGreggor chairman of NCB announced need to close 20 pits
-but Scargill the pres of NUM claimed seen secret plan to close 70 pits but McGreggor denied this
What did Scargill do regarding this?
-was a charismatic leader but failed gain total support for national strike
-refusal hold strike ballot weakened his case + failed overcome historical regional divisions among miners
What was the Union of Democratic miners?
-Nottinghamshire miners formed breakaway union - Union of Dem miners
What did this new union lead to?
-bitter recriminations
-scargilites accused UDM being ‘scabs’ + ‘traitors’
-UDM accused Scargill caring more about hard-left politics than interests of miners was leading
What was one key factor during the miners strike?
-the role of the police
What was this new role played by police?
-they had better equipment
-more experience of riot control
-better tactics
What did critics say about this new role of the police?
-thatchers critics blamed her for politicisation of police
-claimed police used to defeat miners + not be impartial protectors of law + order