The Medium 01 Flashcards
What does Plato’s idea of the cave suggest?
What are the implications (negative) of this thought experiment?
That we take what we see as real, but they might merely be projections of the real. Images without essence.
Such experience (ex: film) might make us forget our obligations to the real.
What is Bazin’s position on the evolution of film technology (for instance, sound following silent)
Follows a natural progression to greater realism. (Sound is the fulfillment of realism; like the New Testament to the old.)
What are “plastics” for Andre Bazin?
Maliable elements (I.e - sets, makeup, performance, lighting, framing, etc)
What is it that Bazin refers to in saying “montage by attraction”?
Creation of Eisenstein; the reinforcing of the meaning of one image by association with another image not necessarily part of the same episode
That is, meaning is imposed not by the scene alone, but through the juxtaposition of multiple images… imposing a meaning onto the spectator. (Onto the scene)
What is Bazin’s analogy of the river? What does he suggest through this analogy?
“Equilibrium profile of a river” - That evolution in film language flows, like a river, from ideology; new subjects require a new language
In general, Bazin emphasizes looking at what?
Reality.. That we ought to have humility in the face of reality (something that is already embued with meaning)
Bazin emphasized three key principles in his article “the evolution of the language of cinema” relating to depth of field. What were these?
1) greater depth of field reflects more closely ever-day human experience, which is more ‘realistic’;
2) Implies a more active involvement on the part of the audience. (More active in the meaning-making… Choosing what to pay attention to; greater ambiguity)
3) Montage by its very nature rules out ambiguity of expression.
According to Bazin, what greater evolution is cinema a part of?
A greater evolution (or effort) f man trying to ‘get at’ reality. Reconnect out of his sense of isolation from it.
According to Bazin, the photographic medium enables a greater degree of what? (Hint: as opposed to painting)
A greater sense of objectivity; greater movement away from individual subjectivity.
BUT - not just visually real, but imaginatively real (depth. A world we enter into.
What is Bazin’s idea of the western painting?
That it was the development of ‘perspective’… ‘Original sin’, of which cinema redeems us of.
- distort reality (in terms of technology)
- cinema creates the world in its own image.
For Bazin, the photographic image of a person represents what?
An imprint, impression of that person; continuous and somehow connected. LIKE A MOLD.. A record.
What are the three analogies Bazin uses to describe audiences connect with the actor in cinema as compared to theatre?
Mold, Mirror, Mask, Usher’s Flashlight.
Mold - an impression of what is actually real. (Like actor)
Mirror - relays their presence to us. Greater
Mask - underneath which likes reality.
Flashlight, Shandalleer - calls attention *
According to Cavell, what does does the ‘silver screen screen’?
It screens ‘me’ from the rest of the world, and the world from me; makes me invisible.
What is the difference Cavell mentions between acting for theatre and for screen?
Stage: actor works himself into a role
(Role exists apart from the actor)
Screen: performer takes the role onto himself
(one and the same; char. And actor live exist together)
According to Cavell, ‘actor’ might be better replaced with ___.
According to Cavell, what is the function of film? Why is this appealing?
Creates the conditions for perfect attention… Film confines perceptions and makes certain realizations possible.
While Bazin believes film begins audiences _____, Cavell believes film _____ us from ____.
Bazin - brings us closer; recovers out separation from the world.
Cavell - excludes us; screens us from the world; passive and dos-engaged.
According to Cavell, the cinema Is appealing because it allows audiences to relinquish what? How does this contrast with Bazin’s perspective?
Responsibility over the world.
Assures our passivity.
We don’t want power (choose, control, etc., and film permits this disconnect)
Also makes this isolation normal*** (ref. Bazin; film normalizes the fall)
Cavell refers to the ring of guygees. What is this and why is this important?
The ring that makes one invisible… Not about integration, but anonymity.
Why does Cavell focus on ‘The Lady Eve’? What is the moral significance of this film?
Demonstrates how Preston Sturges makes us suckers; making us Gauls; ‘Mugs’… underlies our susceptibility to artifice? Must, like the main character, be educated out of this susceptibility.
What is Cavell’s position on the use of techniques and devices (such ass the still-frame in Jules & Jim)?
all depends on the integrity and conviction behind its particular use (not simply use for the sake of use)… There is no preparation for art that is not already art (?).
Not just anyone can do it, therefore. (Something that the medium seems to deny… As if anyone could ‘just rub the lamp’)