RA 5527
Philippine Medical Technology Act of 1969
When was RA 5527 made into law
June 21, 1969
States that if you graduate from the BSMT program and wishes to
work in the clinical lab, you must pass the board exam
RA 5527 (Philippine Medical Technology Act of 1969)
Defines the practices of MedTech professionals
RA 5527 (Philippine Medical Technology Act of 1969)
A science that deals with the _____, ______, and _____ study of various body fluids in order to give clues or confirmatory findings to physicians, consultants or specialists of possible disorder or disease of the patients being managed.
Medical Technology
chemical, physical, and microscopic
“An allied health profession that is central to the operation of hospitals today.”
- __________
Medical Technology
- Ohio State University
One of the ______ list of best jobs (Les Krantz, Jobs Rated Almanac)
ranked _____ in the healthcare/medicine/ occupational category
top 20
use __________ to observe details of cells, ova, and cysts of parasitic organisms
What lab sections uses this
-Parasitology (tedious job as you need to count the no. of eggs; use microscope to view ova in the stool)
-Clinical Microscopy,
-Blood Banking (use microscope to confirm if your cells are abuted),
section that test whether the blood of the donor is compatible with the blood of the recipient
Immunohematology and Blood Banking sections
-1st thing to know: must have the same blood type
-difference of blood type= clumping of RBCs=death of recipient
utilize special stains to identify microorganisms and to analyze various cells.
Hematology, Micro Biology, Histopathology, Clinical Microscopy (stain the sperm cells)
-Color Blindness= misdiagnosis
-Stains= used to know a specific part of a cell
-WBCs= have granules and with the stain, it can easily find it
discover and identify organism causing
infection and disease
urine is cultured in the ______
Immunology & Serology, Microbiology, Bacteriology sections
measure chemical substances in blood and
other body fluids
Clinical Chemistry (measure the analyte)
operate complex apparatus, instruments and
2 major process in testing: _____ & ______
Manual & Automation
-must know Manual method of testing if a machine is broken
-works in a clinical laboratory
-involved in direct patient service
-more on the Phlebotomy side/blood collection
-learns to establish vital linkage between technologies & medical science
-works in school or in the academe
-concerned with faculty, curriculum, student-teaching, program development
-prepares new professionals in assuming various roles of MTs
Professional Educator
-works in health industry
-involves in marketing, sales of pharmaceutical & diagnostic products/instruments
-generates interest & need for new developments for better health care
-develop vaccines
-employed in pharmaceutical companies, veterinary
-provides technical support through lab analysis
-promotes as well as provide consumer protection through quality analyses
Laboratory Analyst
What are the major areas of Medical Technology
-the bulks of tests are usually being received in these areas
-critical sections = they deal with blood samples
Clinical Chemistry
Immunology and Serology