The Management Of Construction Activities (CDM 2015 Regs) Flashcards
Duties holders duties:
Client has major role and must ensure that????
- competent duty holders
- HSE informed of notifiable projects
- pre-construction info passed to duty holders
- principle designer appointed and complied with duties eg: safety file for project
- principal contractor appointed and complies with duties eg:prep construction phase plan
- follow welfare requirements (section 2)
- h and s arrangements maintained and reviewed
- adequate resources and sufficient time
Domestic clients and their role???
- are a special case
- no duties under CDM 2015 (unless written agreement)
A designer must???
- ensure adequate h and s provision incorporated into design
- provide info about risks
- coordinate work with duty-holder
A principal designer must ensure???
- project carried out safely (as far as reasonably practicable
- assistance given to client for provision of pre-construction info
- h and s risks identified, eliminated, controlled or reduced
- cooperation for all working on project
- prep and revision a necessary for h and s file
- pre-construction info for every designer and contractor
- liaison with principal contractor
A principal contractor must???
- h and s construction phase plan developed and managed
- construction phase planned managed and monitored
- employ competent sub-contractors (given h and s info)
- h and s rules drawn up
- prevent unauthorised access to site
- liaison with principal designer for h and s safety file and management of construction phase plan
- safety file updated, reviewed and revised
- suitable welfare facilities
- project notification displayed
A contractor must???
- only undertake construction work if client is aware of CDM 2015
- plan, manage and monitor work done to be safe as far as reasonably practicable
- if no principal contractor, draw up construction phase plan
- provide employees and workers information and instruction (safety)
- welfare requirements in schedule 2 provided for employees
- comply with direction from principal designer
- consult with workers
Required documentation.
1 pre-construction information???
Needs to identify hazard and risks associated with design and construction of work
Required documentation
2 health and safety file???
Records h and s information required by subsequent users of the finished construction project
Required documentation
3 construction h and s plan
Defines organisation and arrangements required to control site risks and coordinate the construction work
Required documentation
4notifiable work notice???
Issued to HSE if construction work is to let longer than 30 days and more than 20 workers simultaneously or more than 500 person days of work