The management of a business and company decision making to ensure compliance with statutory and other legal requirements Flashcards
*A director can call a director’s meeting by giving notice of the meeting to the directors.
*Reasonable notice must be given.
*Notice must indicate:
Proposed date, time, and subject matter.
Where it is to take place.
If directors participating in the meeting will not be in the same place, the details as to how is it proposed, they will communicate with each other during the meeting.
*Need not be in writing.
*Need not be given to directors who waived the entitlement to notice of that meeting.
*Quorum is 2 unless changed by the directors but cannot be changed to less than two.
*If there is a lack of quorum, the directors can only take a decision to appoint further directors or call a GM of shareholders to appoint further directors.
Declaration of interest:
*If a director has an actual or proposed arrangement with the company in which the director is interested, that director cannot be counted for voting on quorum purposes.
Exceptions include:
*The members by ordinary resolution disapplies the provisions of the articles which prevent the director from being counted or voting for quorum purposes.
*The director cannot be reasonably regarded as likely to give rise to a conflict of interest.
Declaration of interest -
The directors conflict of interest arises from:
*A guarantee given or to be given for an obligation by the company or its subsidiaries.
*Subscription for shares of the company or its subsidiaries, or to underwrite sub-underwrite, or guarantee the subscription for any such shares.
*Arrangements where benefits are made available to present/former employees/directors of the company and or subsidiaries which do not extend special benefits for the directors/former directors.
Voting and the casting vote:
*One vote per director.
*Resolutions are passed by simple majority.
*If the votes for and against are equal, the chairperson has a casting vote unless chairperson not counted in quorum or for voting purposes.
Ratification of acts by directors:
*Where a director has acted negligently in default in breach of duty or trust. The company can ratify such conduct by an ordinary resolution of the shareholders.
*Any interested director-shareholder (or any member connected to him) is not eligible to vote on such a resolution.
*However, the director can be counted with the quorum and taking part in the proceedings where such a decision is considered.
General filing requirements (post board meeting):
*The directors must ensure that the company keeps a written record of every unanimous meeting or majority decision taken by the directors for at least 10 years.
*After a general meeting, the board must meet and resolve to carry out any act which the members have authorised if the members wish to use this authority.
Procedural requirements of a GM of shareholders (members)
Private Limited Company:
Members exercise their powers by passing resolutions at a GM.
Procedural requirements of a GM of shareholders (members)
Private Limited Company -
Calling of GM:
The two main ways a shareholder’s meeting may be called –
*The directors can call a GM of the company or
*Members representing at least 5% of the paid-up share capital of the company that carries the right to vote at a GM can require the directors to call a GM.
*Directors must call a meeting within 21 days from when the members require it.
Procedural requirements of a GM of shareholders (members)
Private Limited Company -
*Must give at least 14 clear days’ notice of a GM.
*General meeting’s where special notice is required (s.312):
*Removing a director by ordinary resolution or removing an auditor by ordinary resolution.
28 days’ notice must be given of the intention to?
move a resolution requiring special notice. The removal of a director or auditor must be by general meeting and can’t be by written resolution.
The special notice must be sent to the director or…
auditor who has a right to make a statement of their case at the meeting.
A general meeting can be called by shorter notice of the members if?
90% (or such higher percentage as may be specified in the articles but not exceeding 95%) of the members having a right to attend and vote at the meeting agree to such shorter notice.
Notice may be given by hard copy,…
electronic form, or website.
Notice must state:
date, time, place of business and nature of business.
The notice must state the text of?
any special resolution and specify the proposal as a special resolution.