The Man who asked questions Flashcards
How old was Socrates when he was brought to court?
Socrates was 70 years old.
What did Socrates do a when he returned from the wars?
He shuffled around the market place, stopping people to ask them awkward questions.
Why did Socrates refuse to write anything down?
He believed that conversation was far better.
Where was Socrates from?
He was from Athens, Ancient Greece.
What did Socrates teach?
Socrates taught philosophy.
How much did Socrates charge for his lessons?
None, Socrates didn’t charge for his services. He believed he didn’t know anything at all.
Who did Socrates stop and ask the moral immoral question?
Socrates stopped the general Euthydemus.
What century did Socrates live in?
Socrates lived in the Fifth-Century.
Who wrote down Socrates’ conversations?
Plato was the one that wrote down a series of conversations that Socrates with people.
Who’s story involved a cave, a fire, and people staring at their shadows?
That would be Plato’s cave story
What would Plato say about the idea of a “Perfect Circle”?
Plato would say “The idea of a perfect circle if the Form of the circle.”.
What was Plato’s most famous work?
That would be “The Republic” in which he believed that since philosophers were so good thinking about reality they should be in charge.
What are the written down conversations of Socrates asking people questions called?
They are called the Platonic Dialogues.
How is Socrates’ appearance described?
He is described as Snub-nosed, Pudgy, and a bit strange.
What do philosophers today and Socrates have in common?
They are asking tough questions and looking for answers about the nature of reality and how we should live.
What did Socrates declare about life?
Socrates declared “Life is only worth living if you think about what you’re doing.”.
What is Plato’s story of the cave connected to?
The cave story is connected to Plato’s theory of Forms.
What was the final verdict in Socrates’ trail?
Socrates was found guilty and sentenced to death.
How exactly was Socrates put to death?
Socrates was forced to drink poison?
What did Socrates’ inner voice tell him to keep doing?
Socrates’ inner voice told to keep questioning everything.
Who was Socrates’ star pupil?
Socrates’ star pupil was Aristotle.
What was the poison Socrates consumed made from?
The poison was made from hemlock.
How did Athenians feel towards Socrates?
Athenians felt Socrates was dangerous and deliberately undermining the government.
What made Socrates so wise?
Socrates was always willing to debate his ideas.
Who went to the oracle of Apollo at Delphi, and what did they ask her?
Socrates’ friend Chaerophon went to the oracle of Apollo seeking to know if anyone was wiser than Socrates.
What form were the oracle’s answers in?
She usually answered questions in the form of a riddle.
Who took Socrates to court?
Meletus was the individual who took Socrates to court.
A priest or priestess acting as a medium through whom advice or prophecy was sought from the gods in classical antiquity.
Totalitarian State
It is a state in which every aspect of life it controlled.
The study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline.
Importing and mixing ideas from different places, markets or people to produce better products and services.
A person engaged or learned in philosophy, especially as an academic discipline.
The quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise.
The captial of Greece.
A supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained.
Relating to or supporting democracy or its principles.