the magisterium and the 2nd Vatican council Flashcards
what do the catholic church believe that there are?
several figures and groups of people who are also believed to be sources of authority.
what is the source of authority?
people who can pass on important teachings and ideas about God and the Catholic faith.
what is the hierarchy? and who is?
a system where members of an organisation are ranked according to their authority
the catholic church is a hierarchy
what does the pope lead?
He leads the Church
what is every pope considered as?
Every Pope is the successor of St. Peter. This means he does the same job Peter once did. What Jesus said to Peter applies to his successors too
what are the cardinals?
They are a small group of bishops whose job it is to elect the Pope
what are the archbishops?
senior bishops
what are the bishops responsible for?
they are responsible for a diocese and all the priests within it.
what do the bishops give?
They give the sacrament of Holy Orders.
what are the priests responsible for?
responsible for the spiritual care of a parish and celebrate the sacraments.
what does the word “magisterium” mean?
comes from latin “teaching authority”
why does the magisterium put forward the catholic teachings in response to?
to issue that were not considered in the Bible or covered by tradition. It might make reference to issues like IF, Social Media, Euthanasia, same-sex partnerships, contraception, ecology, nuclear weapons
what does the catholics believe that the holy spirit guides?
guides the pope and bishops in their decision s meaning he is infallible
what does it mean if the pope is infallible?
cannot make a mistake when talking about matters of faith
what does infallible mean?
incapable of making mistakes or being wrong
what is the idea of ‘Apostolic Succession’?
linked to magisterium and is the idea that the authority of the Church and Pope comes from Jesus and the Apostles.
what are the two main parts of magisterium?
Ordinary Magisterium
Extraordinary (Conciliar & Pontifical)
ordinary magisterium: what is it the regular teaching of?
Pope and his Cardinals (lead Bishops) on everyday issues that influence the lives of Catholics.
ordinary magisterium: are encyclicals?
1. what teaching is often put forward for this?
2. who writes these?
3. who are they shared with?
letters written by the Pope that are then shared with the whole of the Church. These letters/teachings are then shared with the Catholic community through Catholic churches.
ordinary magisterium: what does the ‘Evangelium Vitae’ mean?
gospel of life
ordinary magisterium: who was this most well known encyclicals written by and when? (‘Evangelium Vitae’)
1995, pope john paul II
ordinary magisterium: what was the main teachings in Evangelism Vitae?
were about issues surrounding the sanctity of life.
for example, abortion, euthanasia and capital punishment
ordinary magisterium: what was one of pope Francis most recent encyclicals in 2015?
laudato is meaning ‘care for our common home’
extraordinary magisterium: why is this called extraordinary?
they don’t happen often so is spilt into two main parts: conciliar (councils) and pontifical (teaching of the pope)
conciliar: they are large councils that invite who?
lead bishops of each country to meet and discuss matters of the church
conciliar: where was the first council recorded?
in the bible
too place in Jerusalem
conciliar: why was the council of Nicaea important?
as this is where the church (magisterium) put together the nicene creed which outlines important catholics beliefs
conciliar: what are the 4 important catholic beliefs from the nicene creed?
the trinity
the incarnation
god as an omnipotent creator
Jesus death and resurrection
conciliar: when was the most recent council took place?
between 1962-1965 at the Vatican in Rome
conciliar: what was the most recent council called?
2nd vatican council
conciliar: what happened in the most recent council?
many important documents were written that influenced the Catholic Church
conciliar: what is the Gaudium et spes?
one of the documents from the 2nd Vatican council which focused on how the church should act in the modern world
conciliar: what is linked to Gaudium et spes?
work of CAFOD and Catholic Social Teaching
pontifical: what is the pope’s authority?
to make the final decision on issues that bishops in the church might not agree
pontifical: what did Roman Catholics believe that the pope speaks?
infallibly when speaking ex cathedra on questions of fish or morals
pontifical: what does the latin word ex cathedra mean?
from the chair
pontifical: what is the ex cathedra considered as?
to be a statement that is without error
pontifical: what is one example of a pope speaking ‘ex cathedra’?
pope pius XII declared in 1950 that Mary, the mother of Jesus was physically taken up to heaven after he death
what did the 1960s saw?
saw dramatic changes around the world.
what was the 2nd Vatican council?
the 2nd Vatican council was an ecumenical council of the Catholic Church during which bishops from all over the world came together to discuss how catholics needed to meet the challenges of the modern world
when did the 2nd council take place and who started and completed it?
started by pope John XXIII who died in 1963
completed by pope Paul v
2nd vatican council: what is the gaudium et spes about?
this is a document about catholic social teaching
2nd vatican council: what does the gaudium et spes encouraged catholics to respond?
to the issues of poverty and social justice, the impact of science and technology
encourages people of faith to engage with the modern world
2nd vatican council: what does gaudium et spes mean?
the church in the modern world
2nd vatican council: what does sacrosantum concilium mean?
the sacred liturgy
2nd vatican council: what does the sacrosantum concilium cover?
changes to the church’s official public worship
2nd vatican council: what happened before the council mass?
said in latin
2nd vatican council: why was the altar moved?
the altar was moved so that the priest now faces the people and their actions are more easily seen
2nd vatican council: what does Dei Verbum mean?
the word of god
2nd vatican council: what does the Dei Verbum set out and encourage?
how important the bible is
encourages catholics to use the bible as part of their prayers
2nd vatican council: what has the Dei Verbum led to an increase in?
specialist biblical scholars and more bible study groups in parishes
2nd vatican council: what does Lumen Gentium mean?
the church or the light of the peoples
2nd vatican council: what does the Lumen Gentium encourage?
ordinary catholics to take a more active role to be part of the mission of the church and serve Jesus. this means that all should act on the promise they made at the baptism to be ‘lights to the world’ by being service to others
what language is said after the 2nd Vatican council?
before, the mass was said in latin
now is said in the local language s people can understand what is said
why was the altar turned around after the 2nd vatican council?
before, the priest and congregation faced the altar to show the link between the eucharist and Jesus’s sacrifice
and now, the priest faces the people so all can see increasing a sense of community and participation
what are lay people encouraged after the 2nd vatican council?
before, the priest leads everything
now, encouraged to read and be eucharistic ministers
more women become involved
what is communion under both after the 2nd vatican council?
before, the congregation only receive communion in the form of bread
now, it is under both bread and wine
why are catholics encouraged to read the scripture after the 2nd vatican council?
before, catholics did not read the bible
now, there is more emphasis on the liturgy of the word
why are catholics encouraged ecumenism after the 2nd vatican council?
before, encouraged to see themselves as different from other christians and not to mix with them so were not allowed to go to protestant churches
now, emphasis placed on what all christians believe is common
what are catholics encouraged to work and pray for after the 2nd vatican council?
encouraged to work for christian unity and pray with other christians
why are catholics encouraged to see jews as brothers and sisters under the same god after the 2nd vatican council?
before, closed off to other religion and world views
now, they are open to dialogue with people of other faiths especially judaism