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Nacst namc naoc, naeme
What is NACST and where is its HQ?
The Nigerian Army Corps of Supply and Transport, HQ in Lagos.
What is NASST and where is it located?
Nigerian Army School of Supply & Transport, located in Benin.
Name three key responsibilities of NACST.
Transport support, POL/ration supply, and combat supply distribution.
What are the three main transport support functions of Bde ST Coy?
Troop lift, artillery ammunition dumping, casualty evacuation.
How many days’ worth of combat supplies are held within a unit?
5 days.
How many days of supplies are stored in the Exchange Point (XP)?
1 day on 3rd line vehicles.
What are the three supply methods used at Exchange Points?
Continuous Running, Cross Loading, Through Running.
What are the three forms of transport used by NACST?
Land, Air, Sea.
What are the two main categories of army transport?
General Purpose Transport & Special Purpose Transport.
What are the four types of road transport in a theatre of operation?
First-Line, Second-Line, Third-Line, Fourth-Line Transport.
What are two major advantages of road transport?
Flexibility and long-distance capability.
What are two major disadvantages of road transport?
Expensive maintenance and road limitations.