The little words Flashcards
The little words
Pronouns Example Sentences Literal Translations
Él me lo dijo. (He told it to me.)
Me gusta. (I like it.)
He to me it said.
~To me it pleases.
Te lo dije. (I told it to you.) Te quiero. (I love you.)
You to you it said.
~You I love.
Se lo dije. (I told it to him/her/you.) <br></br> Se lo envié. (I sent it to him/her/you.)
He/she/you to him/her/you it said.
~I sent it to him/her/you.
Nos lo dieron. (They gave it to us.) <br></br> Nos vemos. (We’ll see each other.)
They to us it gave.
~We see each other.
Le dije la verdad. (I told him/her the truth.)
Le compré un regalo. (I bought him/her a gift.)
Him/her to him/her it said the truth.
~I bought him/her a gift.
Les di los libros. (I gave the books to them.) Les escribimos. (We write to them.)
Them to them I gave the books.
~We write to them.