The Lightning Thief Flashcards
Artillery (Page 41)
Weapons ( such as bows, slings, and catapults) for discharging missiles.
Kleptomaniac (Page 3)
A persistent neurotic impulse to steal especially without economic motive.
Ajar (Page 18)
Slightly open
Hindquarters (Page 75)
The hind pair of legs of a quadruped.
Gable (Page 75)
The vertical triangular end of a building from cornice or eaves to ridge.
Vane (Page 75)
A movable device attached to an elevated object (such as a spire) for showing the direction of the wind.
Caduceus (Page 83)
A representation of a staff with two entwined snakes and two wings at the top.
Homer (Page 107)
An ancient Hebrew unit of capacity equal to about 10¹/₂ or later 11¹/₂ bushels or 100 U.S. gallons (378 liters).
Pulverize (Page 107)
To reduce (as by crushing, beating, or grinding) to very small particles.
Liability (Page 119)
The quality or state of being liable
Converged (Page 122)
To tend or move toward one point or one another : come together.
Proverbial (Page 137)
Of, relating to, or resembling a proverb
Carnage (Page 138)
The flesh of slain animals or humans.
Hyperventilating (Page 152)
To breathe rapidly and deeply.
Obscures (Page 155)
Not clearly seen or easily distinguished.
Propaganda (Page 155)
A congregation of the Roman curia having jurisdiction over missionary territories and related institutions.
Tattered (Page 171)
Torn into shreds.
Reluctantly (Page 243)
In a reluctant manner : with aversion or hesitation.
Mildewed (Page 246)
A fungus producing mildew.
Mystified (Page 168)
To make mysterious or obscure.
Morale (Page 269)
Moral principles, teachings, or conduct.
Grimaced (Page 273)
A facial expression usually of disgust, disapproval, or pain.
Adolescent (Page 275)
A young person who is developing into an adult.
Solicitors (Page 283)
An agent that solicits contributions.
Portcullis (Page 191)
A grating of iron hung over the gateway of a fortified place and lowered between grooves to prevent passage