The light Of Sight Flashcards
How many obligation of knowing the Prophet salalahualayhiwasalam are their?
5 in total
What are the two main ayahs supporting we should know the Prophet salalahualayhiwasalam?
- And know that amongst you is the Messenger - Surah 49:7
2. Do they not know their own Messenger and so deny him? - Surah 23:69
What is the first obligation?
- Believing in him
Proof is directly from the Quran:
Believe in Allah and His Messenger - surah 64:8
At the age of 40 the first revelation occurred. Where did this take place and what ayahs were revealed?
- Revealed in Makkah - specifically Cave of Hira - on Jabble-Noor
- Surah al-Alaq 96: 1-5 (5 verses)
What are the proofs Allah taught the Prophet salalahualayhiwasalam?
- Read in the name of your Lord Surah 96:1
2. And He taught you that which you knew not (Surah Nisa 4:113)
Which books cover the Khasa’is/exclusivities of the Prophet salalahualayhiwasalam?
- Bidayat as-Sul Fi Tafdil ar-Rasul - the beginning of the quest of the High esteem of the messenger.
Name some exclusivities of the Prophet salalahualayhiwasalam?
- Allowed to fast continuously.
- Qibla being in Makkah sharif
- Isra wal Miraj
When the sahaba questioned why they could not fast continuously what was the response of the Prophet salalahualayhiwasalam?
“I am not like you”
“My condition is not like yours. Throughout the night, my Lord feeds me and gives me to drink”.
What is the second obligation?
Following the Prophet salalahualayhiwasalam.
Proof from the Quran is:
- Say: If you love Allah follow me … (Surah 3:verse 31)
What are the benefits of following the Prophet salalahualayhiwasalam?
- We attain guidance
“And follow him, that you may be guided” (Surah 7:158)
What is the third obligation?
To love the Prophet salalahualayhiwasalam
What is the fourth obligation?
To study the life of the Prophet salalahualayhiwasalam
What is the fifth obligation?
To yearn for the Prophet salalahualayhiwasalam
Give examples of scholars yearning for the Prophet salalahualayhiwasalam?
Imam Ahmed bin hambal - never stood up right in Madina shareef always crawled.
Imam Qadi Iyad- had a really long beard and would rub it against the walls just in case the Prophet salalahualayhiwasalam walked along them
Amaar Ibn Yasir, the sahabi lost both parents and a brother due to persecution in the early years of Islam, what are their names?
Father - Yassar Ibn Amir
Mother - Sumayyah - accepted Islam in the first year of elaan e nubuwwat - martyred by Abu Jahal. First martyr of Islam
Brother - Abdullah Ibn Yassar
Name 3 cursed people by Allah
Abu jahal
Abu lahab
Uqbah Ibn Abu Mu’it - tried to suffocate the Blessed Prophet salalahualayhiwasalam during salah, Abu Bakr budged him off
Who was the slave master of Hazrat Bilal?
Umayyah Ibn Khalaf
What was the name of the King of Abyssinia at the time of the Prophet salalahualayhiwasalam?
Ashamah- Najashi/Negus is a title of the king like Pharoah is for Ramses the 2nd in the time of Musa alayhisalaam.
Jafar Ibn Abu Talib passed away in which battle?
Battle of Mutah
Jafar Ibn Abu talib is also known as Jafar at tayaar the flying one
Due to mutilation after death by the Christians and the Prophetic Vision that followed
What rishteh did Hazrat Hamza have with the Prophet salalahualayhiwasalam
Uncle and foster brother
Thuwaybah - was the wet nurse for The prophet salalahualayhiwasalam, and Hazrat Hamza