The Liberal Reforms 1906 - 1914. Flashcards
What Were the Social Reforms Aimed at Children?
- Schools Meals Act 1906
- School Medical Inspections 1907
- Children’s Act 1908
Describe the Schools Meal Act 1906
- Provided free hot meals to all children in schools
- Negative = Not all councils responded - many did
- Positive = Led to weight + health improvements
Describe the School Medical Inspections 1907
- Every child got a yearly medical check
- Negative = treatment needed payment until 1912
Describe the Children’s Act 1908
- Gave children special status as a ‘Protected Persons’
- Positive = Child abuse/neglect/insuring children became illegal
- Positive = Child courts + borstal were established.
What was the Social Reform Aimed at the Elderly?
Old Age Pension Act 1908
Describe the Old Age Pension Act 1908
- Offered to over 70s
- 5/ a week to single people
- 7/6d a week to married couples
Positive = removed threat of workhouse/being reliant on families
Negative = too many conditions:
1. Had to have lived in the country for the past 20 years
2. Head to have less than £31 per year to qualify
3. Could be refused to those who had ‘not worked hard enough’
What Were the Social Reforms Aimed at Unemployed?
- The Labor Exchanges Act 1909
2. National Insurance Act (pt2) 1912
Describe the Labor Exchange Act 1909
- Set up places for employers to advertise jobs + workers to find them
- Positive = 83 set up in 1910 alone
Describe the National Insurance Act (pt2) 1912?
- Aimed at aiding seasonal workers (e.g. shipbuilders)
- Positive = when unemployed those in the scheme could claim 7s a week for up to 15 weeks
What Was the Social Reform Aimed at the Sick?
- National Insurance Act 1911
Describe the National Insurance Act 1911
- Workers paid 4d a week to the scheme
- Employers paid 3d a week into the scheme
- Government paid 2d a week into the scheme
- Positive = when workers were ill they’d receive 10s a week for up to 26 weeks
- Positive = 5s disability if they couldn’t retuen to work
How were the Liberal Reforms Financed?
- People’s Budget 1909
Describe the People’s Budget 1909
- Increased taxes on the wealthy
- Raised duties on tobacco + spirits
- Introduced tax on profits from selling land
- House of Lords (largely Tory) refused to pass budget
- Caused a constitutional crisis which led to the curbing of the Lord’s powers.
What Acts were Targeted at Improving the Life’s of the Employed?
- The Workmen’s Compensation Act 1906
- The Coal Mines Act 1908
- The Trade Boards 1909
- The Shops Act 1911
What were the Strengths of the The Workmen’s Compensation Act?
- All employees could now receive compensation for injuries/diseases sustained at work
What were the Strengths of the Coal Mines Act?
- Granted miners an 8 hour day
What were the Strengths of the Trade Boards Act 1909?
- Set up boards to negotiate minimum wage in box, lace, chainmaking, tailoring trades
- 200,000 workers involved
What were the Weaknesses of the Trade Boards Act 1909?
- No attempt made to define what a ‘minimum wage’ was
What were the Strengths of the Shops Act?
- Shop assistants granted a weekly half-day holiday
- Maximum working week of 60 hours set
- Washing facilities to be provided in every shop
What Act Aimed to Tackle Poverty?
- Housing, Town Planning Act 1909
What were the Strengths of the Housing + Town Planning Act?
- Prevented the building of “back-to-back” houses.
- Local authorities had to introduce systems of town planning which meant homes had to be built to certain standards.