The legislative branch Flashcards
The legislative Branch of the federal government is called
the legislative branch was est. by
article 1 of the constitution
article 1 of the constitution known as
“the first branch”
Jobs of Congress: (2)
- Represent the people and do the day to day work
- They translate the will of the people into law
(2 houses)
Why is congress Bicameral? (3)
- Historical Reason: Copied British Parliament
- Practical reason: settled conflict between small and large states
- Theoretical Reason: (Check and Balance each other)
How long is a term in Congress?
2 years
Session of Congress:
1 year time period during which Congress conducts its business (2 sessions per term)
To suspend business temporarily during a session
to suspend business until the next session
Sine Die
Neither house can adjourn without the consent of the other
the president has the power to end a session when the 2 houses can’t agree to adjourn
Special Session
When the president calls congress together for an emergency meeting
Why are special sessions rarely called anymore?
Congress meets almost year round
Lower house
house of representatives
how many members in the house of representatives
Representation in the house of representatives is based on what?
Representation is based on the population of the state apportioned (distributed)
How many states have 1 representative
Members of the house of representatives serve how long of a term
2 years
why is the term for a member for the house of representatives so short?
kept short so they will stay in contact with the people
How many terms are members of the house allowed to serve
no limit
Do members of the house represent their entire state?
Represent their district only not the entire state except for the 7 states with 1 representative
Powers of the house of representatives: (3)
- To impeach the president
- Decide presidential election if no clear winner
- All tax bills start here (power of the purse)
the seats are redistributed every 10 years (census)
fixed number of seats in the house
435 (permanent)
When are Congressional Elections
Tuesday following the 1st monday in November on even numbered years
Midterm Elections:
(Non presidential years) Party in power usually loses seats
Why does the party in power usually lose seats?
Party in power usually loses seats! Because the party in power is blamed for all of the problems in the country
How many districts in U.S.
How many people does a voting block represent?
about 740,000 people
single member districts:
geographic district from which one representative is chosen from a field of candidates
At large districts
representative chosen from the State as a whole
District lines are drawn up by
state legislatures of the party in power
the drawing up of district lines to the advantage of the party in power
2 ways gerrymandering is done:
- Packing: Concentrate the opposition’s voters in as few districts as possible
- Cracking: Spread the opposition’s voters out in as many districts as possible