The League in the 1920s Flashcards
What were the aims of the League of Nations?
- discourage aggression
- encourage cooperation
- encourage disarmament
- improve living and working conditions
What was collective security?
By acting collectively the members of the League could prevent war by defending the lands and interest of all nations.
Why was the absence of the USA a problem?
- They had the money to fund the League
- Weren’t as damaged by the war as they joined late
- Their trade sanctions would be more impactful
What were the components of the League?
- The Council
- The Assembly
- The Permanent Court of International Justice
- The Secretariat
- International Labor Organization
- Commissions
- Mandates
- Refugees
- Slavery
- Health
What was the role of the Council?
- small group
- met 5 times a year
- each permanent member had a veto
- resolve disputes by talking
- moral condemnation
- sanctions
- force
What was the role of the Assembly?
- ‘Parliament’
- every country had a representative
- vote on admission of members in the League
- Met once a year
- Decisions had to be unanimous
What was the role of the Permanent Court of International Justice
- judges from member countries
- settled disputes
- no way to make sure that countries followed rulings
What was the role of the ILO
- improve working conditions
- collected stats and information
- convince nations to adhere by their recommendations
What was the role of the Secretariat?
- civil service
- kept records
- prepared reports
- brought together experts
What was the role of the mandates commission?
- report on how mandates were being treated
- mandates ruled by Britain and France
- ensure that GBR and FRA were acting in the interests of the people and not themselves
What was the role of the refugees commission?
- 100s and 1000s of refugees post WW1
- Tried to re-locate them
- ## Constructed houses in Syria and Lebanon for 40,000 Armenians after the re-settlement of another 10,000 in Yerevan
What was the role of slavery commission?
- abolish slavery world wide
- especially in East Africa
What was the role of the health committee
- deal with dangerous diseases
- educate people about health and sanitation
- collect stats about health issues
- develop programs to fight diseases
Why wasn’t the USA able to join the League?
- The League was meant to enforce the Treaty of Versailles, however some Americans, many of German ancestry hated the treaty itself.
- The League imposed sanctions, but people thought that it would be American trade that would suffer the most
- Some feared that Being part of the League meant that American soldiers would have settle conflicts worldwide. No one wanted that after about 116,000 soldiers died in WWI.
- Many anti-empire people were worried that the League would be dominated by Britain or France and that the USA would be called to defend their empires
Who were the permanent members of League of Nations at the beginning?
- Britain
- France
- Japan
- Italy
Describe what happened in the Aaland islands border dispute
Between: Finland and Sweden
Year: 1921
Problem: It was inhibited by Swedish population, but belonged to Finland. The residents wanted self-determination and unification with Sweden, however Finland didn’t agree.
What the League did: The League first sent a commission to the islands. Based on their report, the League decided to let Finland have the island, but ensure it is autonomous and that Swedish tradition and culture would be preserved. It was also to remain neutral and demilitarized.
Success? : YES
Describe what happened in the Vilna border dispute
Between: Poland and Lithuania
Year: 1920
Problem: Poland took control of the Lithuanian capital Vilna. Lithuania appealed to the League.
What the League did: The League protested to Poland, but the Poles didn’t pull out. France and Britain wanted to be on good terms with Poland and make them an ally, therefore the didn’t act.
Success? : NO
Describe the Corfu Crisis of 1923
Between: Greece and Italy
Year: 1923
Problem: Italian general Tellini was working to sort out the border between Greece and Albania. On 27th August, Tellini and his tem were ambushed and killed. Mussolini was extremely angry and blamed Greece. He captured the Greek island of Corfu on 31st August. Greek appealed to the League.
What the League did: They condemned Mussolini’s actions, but suggested that Greece pay compensation, but only when the killers were found.
What happened: Mussolini did not let the matter rest, and was adamant that the Council wasn’t competent and that the Conference of Ambassadors should solve the problem. He threatened to leave the League. The final ruling was that Greeks should apologize and pay compensation.
Comments: This would not have happened if Britain and France would’ve stood together and applied military force. France was not willing to go to battle. It showed that they could sacrifice justice for cooperation.
Success? : Hell nah, cousin
Describe the Bulgarian Crisis of 1925
Between: Greece and Bulgaria
Problem: Some Greek soldiers were killed in an accident on the border. Greece invaded Bulgaria, and Bulgaria appealed for help
What the League did: Demanded that both sides should stand down and Greece withdraw from Bulgaria. The League sent observers and judges in favor of Bulgaria. It suggested that Greece pay 45,000 pounds in compensation. Both obeyed.
Success? : YES
How did the League help refugees?
- 400 000 prisoners returned
- stamped out cholera, smallpox and dysentery in Turkey
How did the League improve working conditions?
- banned poisonous white lead from paint
- limited time for children to work
- worked for a 48 hour week and 8 hour day, however many countries didn’t adopt this
How did the League help health?
- sponsored research
- develop vaccines and medicines
- very successful and continued in the form of the WHO in 1945
How did the League help fight slavery and forced labor?
- freed 200 000 slaves in Sierra-Leone
- brought down death rate in Tanganyika railway from 50% to 4%
What were the problems with the organization of the League?
- members had a veto, difficult to make decisions in the Council
- Assembly had to have unanimous decisions
- Assembly didn’t meet often enough
- Committees such as the working conditions and slavery often ran out of funds
What was the status of disarmament in the 1920s?
The furthest they had gotten was the Washington Conference, where USA, GBR and JAP agreed to reduce their navies in the ratio 5:5:3. France and Italy were also included and were only allowed a tonnage of 175,000.
Germany was angry that no other nation had disarmed.
Describe economic recovery in the 1920s
Germany had gotten the Dawes Plan, which allowed Germany to revive their economy. When countries trade with each other they much less likely to go to war.