The League in the 1920s Flashcards
Explain of Vilna:
in what year did it happen
the countries involved
what happened
the League’s response
Vilna, 1920
- Dispute between Poland and Lithuania
- Two days after Vilna became the new seat of the Lithuanian gvt., Poland annexed it. Lithuania appealed to the LoN.
- The League ordered the Polish army to leave and for a plebiscite to be held. Poland did not follow. The League did nothing.
Explain of the Aaland Islands:
in what year did it happen
the countries involved
what happened
the League’s response
Aaland Islands, 1920-21
- Dispute between Finland and Sweden
Both Finland and Sweden wanted the Aaland Islands in he Baltic Sea. It was Finland’s but the people were mostly Swedish. Many islanders wanted independence from Finland, there was almost conflict.
- The League decided the Aaland Islands were Finland’s but Swedish Islanders would be protected (eg remove Finnish troops). The League’s decision was respected by both countries.
Explain of Corfu:
in what year did it happen
the countries involved
what happened
the League’s response
Corfu, 1923
- Fight between Greece and Italy
- Italian General, Tellini, murdered when investigating Greek borders to be decided with Albania.
- Mussolini was mad since he thought Greeks had killed Tellini, and bombarded and occupied Corfu. Greece appealed to the League
- The League condemned Mussolini and Greece would pay compensation if and when the Greek murderers were found. Mussolini did not like this decision, called the Council of the League incompetent and said it had to be settled by the Council of Ambassadors.
- Britain was on Greece’s side, France on Italy’s: without each other, B + F couldn’t act
- Mussolini got his way and Greeks had to apologize and pay compensation
Explain of Bulgaria dispute:
in what year did it happen
the countries involved
what happened
the League’s response
Bulgaria, 1921
- dispute between Bulgaria and Greece
- some Greek soldiers died on an incident on the border, so Greece invaded Bulgaria.
- Bulgaria reached out to the League, which made Greece withdraw and pay 45 000, and was threatened with sanctions if they did not obey.
- Britain and France were united here.
What was the Dawes Plan?
Stresemann renegotiated the terms of the TofV, to make reparation spread more thinly throughout years. they also received a loan from the US to help stimulate Germany’s economy
What was the Rentenmark? What other actions did Stresemann make to help Germany’s economy?
- called off passive resistance and strikes by German workers in the Ruhr
- abolished existing currency and set up Rentenmark
What were the Locarno Treaties?
Germany signed this treaty saying it recognized its Westerns borders with France and Belgium
What year were the Locarno Treaties signed?
What year was the Dawes Plan signed?
What year was the Kellog-Briand Pact signed?
What year was the Young Plan signed?
What was the Kellog-Briand Pact?
a pact made by several countries to renounce war, saying that they wouldn’t use violence/aggression to solve foreign problems
What was the Young Plan?
a negotiation to make reparations more affordable and as well remove French and Belgium troops from Rhineland
How many times did the Council meet?
5+ times per year
What were the permanent members of the Council?
Great Britain, France, Italy and Japan
What were two disadvantages of The Assembly?
only met once a year
unanimous decision required: action rarely takes place
What was a disadvantage of the Council?
veto power
Why could the veto power be considered an advantage?
encourages larger nations to join the LoN