The Larynx Flashcards
What are common clinical conditions of the larynx?
Infection, inflammation and neoplasms
What is at risk during thyroid surgery?
The laryngeal nerves
What is a cricothyroidotomy and when may it be required?
It is a procedure to give emergency access to the larynx, and may be performed if there is acute airway obstruction.
Which structures are easily palpable?
The hyoid, the laryngeal prominence and the cricoid cartilage.
Which structures are important in an emergency cricothyroidotomy?
The cricoid cartilage with the cricothyroid membrane above it - this is the membrane that will be punctured in the procedure.
What are the 3 basic functions of the larynx?
1) provision of an airway and protection of that airway
2) effort closure in coughing sneezing and abdominal straining
3) phonation, a complex process involving all the intrinsic muscles of the larynx
What are common clinical conditions affecting laryngeal function?
Laryngitis - inflammation of the vocal folds leading to hoarseness or aphonia
Vocal cord nodules - due to overuse of the vocal cords
Carcinoma - mainly squamous cell, occurring especially often in smokers.
What is the thyroid angle in adult males compared to adult females?
Roughly 90 degrees in men, roughly 120 degrees in women.
What causes the change in pitch of voice in adult men?
Mainly the increased mass and structure of the vocal folds, also the fact that the length of the vocal cords is nearly doubled.
What are the 2 groups of extrinsic muscles?
Elevators of the larynx and depressors of the larynx.
Name the elevators of the larynx that act via the hyoid.
Mylohyoid, stylohyoid, geniohyoid, digastric
Name the elevators of the larynx that act directly.
Stylopharyngeus, palatopharyngeus, salpingopharyngeus
Name the depressors of the larynx that act via the hyoid.
Sternohyoid, omohyoid, thyrohyoid.
Name the depressor of the larynx that acts directly.
How is the larynx normally returned to its rest position?
The elevated larynx is normally returned to its rest position by elastic recoil of the trachea.