The language of multicultarism Flashcards
What is culture?
belief system and values that influence customs, norms, practices and social institutions.
What is race?
Socially constructed assignment based off physical characteristics.
What is ethnicity?
Acceptance of the group mores and practices of one’s culture of origin.
What is multiculturalism?
aspects of identity stemming from gender, ethnicity/culture, sexual orientation, disability, socioeconomic status, or age.
What is monocultural ethnocentrism?
values of the majority culture are more important than other cultures.
What is a marginalized group?
non-dominant group, target group, (implied) opressed.
What is a majority group?
dominant group, non-targerr group, privileged, (implied oppressors
What is acculturation?
exchange of cultural features when different cultures interact.
What is assimilation?
Adoption of the dominant/majority culture and rejection of marginalized culture.
What is cultural pluralism?
Individual racial/ethnic group maintains their own cultural uniqueness while sharing common elements of a dominant culture.
What are the 3 types of racism?
Individual, institutional, and cultural.
What is a stereotype?
over-generalization about a group of people
What is an archetype?
Something that is statically true.
What is a oppression?
a person is deprived of human dignity or basic human rights and is powerless or feels powerless to do anything about it.
What is ally ship?
someone who is in some dominant status and uses their privilege to try to make things better for people on the other side of the spectrum
What is a privilege?
unearned assets and advantages that are not given to those who dont first the mold.
What are the 3 main factors in cultural competence ?
Awareness, knowledge, skills
What is cultural humility?
a way of being instead of a way of doing. remaining open to culturally diverse clients.