The Knee Flashcards
What are the 3 compartments of the knee?
- Patello-Femoral compartment
- Medial Tibio-Femoral compartment
- Lateral Tibio-Femoral compartment
List 3 things which stabilise the knee joint
ligaments, capsule and muscles
Using the mnemonic “SLIP”, how do we take a knee history?
- Swelling
- Locking ➞ meniscal tears, loose bodies
- Instability (giving way) ➞ ligament problems (eg ACL tear), patellofemoral problems
- Pain
- Site - medial/lateral/anterior/posterior
- exacerbating factors
- mechanical, rest or night pain
Exacerbating factors such as stairs or hills are associated with what knee problems?
Patellofemoral disorders
If a patient presents with knee pain, but examination and investigation are unremarkable… what MUST we consider?
Hip and/or spine problems!
Pain is commonly referred to the knee from the hip and/or spine
What questions must we ask in a history of a sports injury?
- Mechanism of injury
- Pivoting/non-pivoting
- Contact/Non-contact
- Direction of impact (varus/valgus/anterior etc)
- Deformation
- Swelling immediate or delayed
- Haemarthrosis (occurs within 90 minutes)
- Effusion (occurs after 6-12 hours)
- Able to finish the activity ?
What are we looking for in a knee examination?
What are we feeling for in a knee exam?
- Temperature
- Swelling
- Tenderness
- Crepitus
Which tests would be used to assess small/moderate/large amounts of joint effusion in the knee?
Small - “bulge test”
Moderate - patellar tap
Large (tense) - ballotment
What are we testing when we move the knee in an examination?
List 3 special tests which can be used to assess the ACL
Lachman’s test (Most sensitive for ACL rupture)
Pivot Shift
Anterior drawer
List 2 special tests which can be used to assess the PCL and explain each
- Posterior sag ➞ In supine position, hip and knee are flexed to 90°. Examiner supports leg in the air.
* Positive sign is a posterior sag of the tibia caused by gravitational pull - Posterior drawer ➞ same as Anterior drawer BUT tibia is pushed back
How do we test the medial and lateral collateral ligaments?
Valgus stress test (MCL) and Varus stress test (LCL)
Performed at 20° flexion AND at full extension
Move the knee from side to side and assess the amount of opening (always slightly more movement laterally).
Check for an end point, there should not be over opening or pain. If there is either, it indicates CL problem
What does this X-ray show?
Medial Collateral Ligament Rupture
X-ray shows huge opening of medial side of joint
What “One Special Test” is used to test each ligament of the knee?
ACL – Lachman @ 20o
PCL – (Sag) + Posterior Draw @ 90o
MCL – Valgus @ 20o
LCL – Varus @ 20o