The Kit Flashcards
The key feature of debt
Issuer should return cash or another financial asset to the holder
Any contract evidencing a residual interest in entity’s assets after deducting all of its liabilities
Fin instrument is normally an equity instrument if the instruments include no CONTRACTUAL Obligation TO DELIVER CASH OR ANOTHER FIN ASSET TO ANOTHER ENTITY ( such as ordinary shares)
Contract contains a lease if
Conveys the right to control the use of an identified asset for a period of time in exchange for consideration. To have control the contract must give the customer the right throughout the period to
- The right substantially all of the identified asset’s economic BENEFITS
- DIRECT the identified assets use
Cannot be substituted or substitution costs are high that owner is not likely to exercise it
Restrictions on operating during high winds define the scope of use rather than preventing from directing use
LL should be recognised - PV of the payments to be made. A right os use assets to be recognised for the same amount plus associated direct costs
Cash flow projections requirements
Should be based on reasonable and supportable assumptions, the most recent budgets and forecasts, and extrapolation for periods beyond budgeted projections
Time restrictions for CF
IAS presumes that budgets and forecasts should not go beyond 5 years, if more than 5 years, extrapolation should be used
Financial instrument is financial liability if it provides that, on settlement, the entity will deliver either
I. Cash or another financial asset
Ii. Its own shares whose value is determined to exceed substantially the value of cash or other financial asset
Is entity decides whether to reward or not, no obligation - is there dividend. But , Bitcoin can be readily converted into cash in B’s jurisdiction and therefore can be treated as cash or legal tender ( fiat money)
A shares will be classified as liability, because value of shares settlement 1000 class A instruments at 2 Bitcoin substantially exceeds that of the ‘cash’ settlement option of 1 bitcoin
confidentiality and competence
- Accountants ethical conscience should prevail
- New business models require an evolving level of digital literacy by accountants
Provide relevant, decision useful analysis to ensure right tech application are adopted for the best interests of the business - Requires growing set of competencies : not only fin, but social impact assessment, environmental accounting, or other nonfinancial capital valuation techniques
Fundamental principle of professional competence and due care requires the accountant to undertake significant tasks for which she has or can obtain training . Should not intentionally mislead the employer as to he level of expertise and experience possessed
Act of whistleblowing can cause conflict of interest bn personal, societal and organisational spheres. This conflict stems from the way whistle blower is viewed. As someone acting disloyal or sharing knowledge of misconduct for the benefit of others. She will be Tron between loyalty and her own moral commitments
Can lead to losing objectivity and would create a loss of professional identity: some as you g account ants are more vulnerable
He has created a self-interest threat as a chief accountant has a personal interest
The pressure of applying to this position has inappropriately influenced his professional judgement and behaviour
Ethical princippe which embodies Responsible planning and management of resources. Stewarship role appointed by shareholders. Directors assume responsibilities to protects entity’s resources from unfavorable effects of economic factors such as price and tech changes and to ensure that entity complies with all laws, regulations and contractual obligations
How effectiveness of stewarship is assessed
Investors have reliable and accurate information about entity’s resources to assess how efficiently and effectively management discharged their responsibilities
Important that FS are transparent, objective and comply fully with IFRs standards
Prudence I’d key in dealing with uncertainty
Key ethical principles
Objectivity, professional competence and professional behaviour. Intimidation threat to objectivity
Insider trading involves the use of non-publicised information in order to make decisions on fin investment based on information other don’t know yet. Such activities seen as fraudulent and are likely to be breach of local money laundering regulations
Should not be disclosed unless there is legal or professional rogh or duty to disclose. Ensure that they don’t use information for personal benefit.
Mr Jas self interest threat BC wife and nephew
IAS 23 Related party disclosures
Requires entity’s financial statements to contain disclosures NECESSARY TO DRAW ATTENTION TOT HE Possibility THAT ITS FS may have been affected by existence of RP and by transactions and outstanding balances with such parties
Deferred tax
IAS 12 Income tax - deferred tax assets recognised for the carry forward of unused tax losses
To extent that future taxable profit will be available against which the unused tax losses can be utilised