The Kidneys Flashcards
Kidneys are largely associated with
The removal of wastes, but among the most important function are the regulation of proper fluid water and electrolyte/ion continent which will influence homeostasis of blood pressure and osmolarity/ph
The functions of the kidneys rely on
The concept of mass balance one in one out. I generally lump most of the functions and to what I called the urine production but keep in mind that I’m referring to many of these functions.
Primary functions of the kidneys (6)
- Regulation of extracellular fluid volume and blood pressure
- Regulation of osmolarity
- Maintenance of ion balance
- Homeostatic regulation of pH
- Excretion of waste
- Production of hormones
Regulation of extracellular fluid volume and blood pressure
Primary function of the kidneys: ECF , blood volume, and mean arterial pressure and remember that proper MAP is critical to perfusion of the organs.
Regulation of osmolarity
Ideal blood/ECF osmolarity is about 290 Mili Osmo‘s which is maintained through removal of ions (eg. behavioral mechanisms examples thirst fluid intake,) when too high and retaining/absorbing them when Too low
Maintenance of ion balance
Certain ions mainly sodium are closely monitored to maintain proper levels. Potassium and calcium are also monitored.
Homeostatic regulation of pH
In addition to mechanisms in the respiratory system kidneys help maintain plasma PH through balance of removal and retention, excretion and reabsorption of hydrogen and bicarbonate
Excretion of wastes
Metabolic wastes such as creatinine urea and uric acid along with certain chemicals, food preservatives, artificial sweeteners, Is removed from the body in urine which is hopefully you already know produced by the kidneys
Production of hormones
Hormones such as EPO and enzymes such as renin and those responsible for converting Calcidiol into calcitriol (vitamin D3) for a calcium homeostasis
Recall that there are two types of nephrons
Cortical and juxtamedullary that form urine by filtering fluids from plasma and then regulate what to keep/reabsorb and want to get rid of/secrete through actions within the regions of the nephron. PCT, nephron loop, DCT
Thick and thin regions (of the nephron tubules)
have different permeability‘s to ions and water
Blood enters the
Renal corpuscle through and an afferent arterial into the glomerulus and leaves through the Efferent arterial where it forms a portal system with the peritubular capillaries and Vasa Recta of juxtamedullary nephrons before returning blood to the general circulation.
Another important structure is the
Juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA A.k.a. Juxtaglomerular complex JGC) which is made up of the final region of the ascending nephron loop and the afferent an Efferent arterials. The JGA is a major point of monitoring and comparing fluid in the nephron to plasma that allows communicating what changes may need to take place in order to maintain proper fluid/ion levels
There are three basic processes involved with urine production
- Filtration/bulk movement of fluid from blood into renal tubule‘s
2. Reabsorption/pulling stuff from the tubule back into the blood that we want to keep - Secretion/for the removal of stuff from blood into the tubule that we want to get rid of.
- And finally excretion which is the final removal of urine from the body through micturition.
Overall you may think of urine production as: excreted urine = filtration - reabsorption + secretion
Filtration occurs in the
Renal corpuscle as fluid is pushed out of the glomerulus into the glomerular capsule a.k.a. Bowmans capsule forming filtrate. This process is non-specific about 20% of the plasma term of the filtration fragment moves into the capsule, larger elements such as blood cells and plasma proteins do not leave the blood, so most of the filtrate is water small molecules such as amino acids glucose urea and ions
Fluid passes through three layers between glomerulus and capsule
Fenestrated capillary endothelium, basement membrane (between the endothelium and capsular layer), and between the processes of the podocytes that form filtration slits.
Structural mesangial cells
Help hold the capillaries together in the glomerulus and are able to modify filtration by altering the surface area of filtration slits
Glomerular filtration rate GFR
The amount of fluid moves from the blood into the capsule per unit time (average 180 L per day) and is largely influenced by outward pushing hydrostatic blood pressure (PH) from within the glomerular capillaries. However colluded osmotic pressure (pie) and fluid pressure from the capsule (Pfluid) oppose (pH) and want to to pull/push fluid back into the capillaries.
*similar to the bulk exchange in capillary beds
The main goal of GFR
Is to always have a net filtration/positive GFR from the blood into the capsule, if you have fluid moving from the capsule into the blood that’s not good
Homeostatic controls will do everything they can to maintain
A high enough hydrostatic pressure (pH) to outweigh the pressures of (pie) and (Pfluid) and keep things moving in the right direction and maintaining a relatively constant GFR
Net filtration pressure
}GFR =Ph-pie-Pfluid
How does the body make sure hydrostatic pressure is greater than
Pie-Pfluid? Mean arterial pressure: within a normal range of mean arterial pressure greater than 80 less than 180 MMHG, GFR remains relatively constant through micro controls of the following mechanisms in general increase map causes an increase in GFR similarly if blood is diverted away from the kidneys decrease renal perfusion causes a decrease in GFR
If mean arterial pressure changes
The kidneys can adjust blood flow into the glomerulus to maintain GFR through
•vasoconstriction of afferent arterial: decrease glomerular blood flow which decreases GFR
•Vasodilation of afferent arterial: increase glomerular blood flow which increases GFR
• vasoconstriction of Efferent arterial: decreases glomerular blood flow which increases GFR (this one is weird so think about it for a minute, by slowing the outward flow blood backs up in the glomerulus which increases glomerular pH and increases GFR)
Blood loss dehydration, overhydration etc. will influence
MAP, so if/when MAP changes the kidneys modulate renal blood flow to maintain GFR.
Regulation of GFR occurs through a few mechanisms (3)
- Auto regulation takes place through two mechanisms:
- myogenic responses: stretching of vascular smooth muscles due to increased MAP stimulates contraction/ Vasoconstriction this only works with MAP above 80 MMHG.
- tubuloglomerular feedback: complex interaction between macula densa and granular cells (a.k.a. juxtaglomerular cells) of the JGA; monitoring the tubular filtrate flow and osmolarity cause macula densa to release paracrine signals causing construction of Afferent arterial which decreases blood flow causing a decrease and GFR. - Hormonal control: includes angiotensin two (vasoconstrictor) and prostaglandins (vasodilator‘s) which affect overall systemic arterial resistance (including MAP and GFR)
- Sympathetic nervous system: normally has a small role in GFR, but if sudden drop in MAP occurs due to blood loss, vasoconstriction of afferent an efferent arterials occurs to lower GFR conserve fluid loss and maintain blood pressure.
Reabsorption is a specific process
Compared to filtrate which is non-specific, 180 L per day of fluid is filtered at the glomerulus but only 1.5 L of urine is excreted per day. Meaning that 99% of the filtered fluid is reabsorbed back into the body
Why does the body filter everything then reabsorb
Rather than simply secrete stuff it doesn’t want, think about cleaning out a closet it makes more sense to pull everything out then only keep the select things you know you want to hold onto. Another consideration is that if the body selectively secreted substances if you were given something that the body didn’t know how to secrete didn’t have a specific transporter for that substance would accumulate in the body better to get rid of everything just in case
Most reabsorption occurs in the
PCT proximal convoluted tubule and is driven by the active transporter using ATP of sodium from filtrate into the ECF, other molecules use sodium to hitch a ride via cotransporters (symporters and antiporters) or follow the gradient (electro chemical or concentration) that’s created when sodium is removed from the filtrate. First sodium is actively removed, then anion‘s passively follow the electrical chemical gradient created, then water passively follows The concentration gradient created. Then because the filtrate concentration has changed other ions will passively diffuse into the ECF
Primary active (direct) transport of sodium
The first part of sodium reabsorption is actually passive sodium concentration in the filtrate is higher, but low inside the tubular epithelial cell, so it diffuses into the cell. However because ICF sodium concentration will keep increasing and stop this process, sodium needs to be removed on the basal lateral side of the cell into the ECF through sodium potassium pump using ATP directly
Secondary (indirect) active transport
Some molecules Glucose, amino acids, lactate, ions use the driving energy that moves sodium into the cell to hitch a free ride into or out of the sell by using cotransporters.
Example glucose is transported into cells against its concentration gradient using the sodium glucose cotransporter SGLT proteins symporter. On the basal lateral side of the cell, glucose then diffuses out of the cell down its concentration gradient through facilitated diffusion using the GLUT proteins transporter. Other molecules use similar mechanisms to glucose transport some transporters use hydrogen instead of sodium
Passive transport
As other molecules, ions, water leave the filtrate, urea becomes more concentrated in the filtrate, creating osmotic concentration gradient. Because of this area well then possibly diffuse from filtrate into the ECF in intracellular or paracellular pathways
Small proteins and polypeptides with a small enough to be filtered are we absorbed through receptor mediated endocytosis. Cells take up the proteins into lysosomes where they are broken down into amino acids -one way that peptide signal molecules are broken down
Reabsorption is limited by
Saturation (transport maximum Tm) of transporters- if there is too much of a substance in filtrate, the transporter cannot move it all in and it gets excreted in urine. Glucose is an example of this especially in diabetics the bodies cells are unable to absorb all of the circulating glucose so it ends up being filtered at the glomerulus, ends up in filtrate, transporters get maxed out, and glucose ends up in the urine termed glucosuria
Normal Blood Glucose range is between
100 to 200 mg/dL and is 100% reabsorbed in the PCT (at a maximum rate of about 375 mg/min = Tm)
If blood glucose exceeds transport maximum (Tm)
Transporters become saturated and glucose is excreted in urine. This level when glucose levels exceed what is able to be fully reabsorbed is termed *renal threshold representing the point at which TM is reached and excretion of the substance begins
Once substances are reabsorbed from filtrate into the ECF
The low pH in peritubular capillaries favors absorption back into the blood. Recall book exchange in capillary beds from chapter 15. Peritubular pH= 10 MMHG; pie= 30mm Hg> pressure gradient =-20 mmHg (=net absorption)
Secretion is a mostly selective process that relies on
Active transporters along the PCT, DCT, and nephron loop to remove substances from ECF and put them into the filtrate and allow concentrating substances in the urine that we want to get rid of example potassium and hydrogen can be selectively secreted to help maintain their homeostatic levels. Likewise organic tablets or xenobiotics foreign are secreted into filtrate to become excreted in urine
Note that some substances may be secreted in one part
Of the nephron and then reabsorbed in another part allowing fine-tuning of what is removed and what is kept.
The processes are complex and rely on multiple indirect active transporters to move substances up against a concentration gradients example primary active transporters use ATP secondary, tertiary transporters use gradients established by the primary transporters to do their work
Organic anion transporters OATS
Are a class of transporters used to secrete a variety of organic substances through indirect active transport
The four types of organic anion transporters
- Sodium potassium pump primary direct active transport it moves sodium from ICF to ECS keeping ICF sodium concentration low
- Sodium die carboxylate cotransporter (NADC, secondary indirect active transporter) uses the sodium Gradient established by the primary transporter to move dicarboxylate anions (metabolic intermediates such as alpha -ketoglutarate from the citric acid cycle) into the ICF creating a concentration gradient
- Organic anion transporter (OAT 1-3 3• indirect active transporters) move organic anion from ECF into ICF using concentration gradient established by secondary transporter.
- OAT4 (facilitated diffusion transporter) move organic anions from anions from ICF into filtrate.
Excretion is the removal of
Everything left infiltrate that either hasn’t been reabsorbed or was secreted into it, basically urine
The composition of urine will change depending on
The metabolic state in order to maintain homeostasis
How the kidneys deal with a particular substance
Filtration rate and what extent is reabsorbed, secreted or both is termed renal handling
Glucose is normally
100% actively reabsorbed in the PCT, none is excreted if it is it’s pretty clear indication of a problem
Sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium are mostly reabsorbed
In the PCT, nephron loop, and DCT. Again depending on levels in the body their reabsorption and excretion are regulated
Urea is reabsorbed in the
PCT and DCT, but secreted in the nephron loop so the amount excreted will vary between 30 to 50%
PAH para Aminohippurate is used for
An organic anion used in physiological test for renal clearance, None is reabsorbed and 100% is actively secreted in the PCT 100% is excreted
Renal handling and GFR have clinical significance
Drugs must be analyzed for how they are processed by the kidneys before getting FDA approval. Likewise GFR can indicate kidney function which can indicate how close someone is to their end-stage Death
Clearances one way to estimate
GFR/kidney function and renal handling of substances by comparing it to other known substances just by comparing the concentration of a substance and blood to its concentration in urine
Clearance of X =
Excretion of X (mg/min) / plasma [X] (mg/ml plasma)
This is a little tricky concept to wrap your head around clearance is the rate of a substance that is removed from plasma by the kidneys
Not to be confused with insulin as a plant polysaccharide that can be used administered via IV to estimate GFR. It has a clearance of 100%. It is filtered at the glomerulus and is neither reabsorbed nor secreted. Compared to PAH which is not reabsorbed but Is actively secreted.
Filtered load
The amount of a substance that is removed/excreted by clearance.
Filter load (excretion) of inulin = plasma [inulin] x GFR 
We can calculate the amount filtered by using the concentration of inulin found
In urine/the amount excreted, we know the concentration in plasma because we’re administering that amount so if we’re rearranging the equation we get:
GFR = excretion of inulin /plasma [inulin] = inulin clearance
Take home messages for clearance
If clearance of substance X < GFR = net absorption of X
If clearance of substance X > GFR = net secretion of X
If clearance of substance X = GFR = neither (no net change) 
Creatinine is used as a proxy to estimate GFR by
The breakdown of phosphocreatine and constantly excreted in urine, does not need to be administered intervenous it’s less per size fits relatively easy way to estimate GFR and again GFR is important diagnostic tool