The Job Characteristics Model Flashcards
What are the components of the job characteristics model?
- Skill variety
- Task identity
- Task significance
- Autonomy
- Feedback
Explain skill variety
Skill variety is the degree to which a job requires a variety of different activities in carrying out the work, allowing the employee to develop a range of skills and talents. Less monotony = more satisfying job.
Explain task identity
Task identity is the degree to which the job requires completion of a whole, identifiable piece of work. This means the job is completed from start to finish with a visible outcome. Sense of achievement = more satisfying job.
Explain task significance
Task significance is the degree to which the job has a substantial impact on the lives of other people, whether those people are in the immediate organisation or the world at large e.g. nurses or doctors. Higher significance = more satisfying job.
Explain autonomy
Autonomy is the degree to which the job provides substantial freedom, independence and discretion to the employee in regards to scheduling and carrying out the work. More personal responsibility = more satisfying job.
Explain feedback
Feedback is the degree to which carrying out the work activities required by the job provides the individual with direct and clear information about the effectiveness of his or her performance. More two-way communication = more satisfying job.
Absenteeism measures the proportion of employees who miss work during a given time period.
Formula = (number of staff absent per time period/total number of staff per time period) x 100
Labour turnover measures the rate of change in a firm’s labour force (how frequently staff leave and need to be replaced).
Formula = (number of staff leaving per time period/average number of staff per time period) x 100
The motivating potential score is a measure of the overall potential of a job to foster intrinsic motivation. Scores are given for each of the 5 factors. The maximum is 7 and minimum is 1.
Formula: (skill variety + task identity + task significance/3) x autonomy x feedback.
It identifies the dimensions most in need of redesign. A score about 128 is considered to be a job that is highly satisfying.
How can managers design motivating jobs?
The jobs must :
- be autonomous
- provide feedback
- be meaningful
Job enlargement is the process of making a position more interesting and fulfilling by increased the number of tasks that an employee needs to complete.
Job enrichment is the process of increasing the degree to which the worker controls the planning, execution and evaluation of the work. Enrichment reduces turnover and absenteeism while increasing the level of satisfaction.
Job rotation is the periodic shifting of one task to another to reduce the boredom and lack of motivation. Also known as cross training.
What are the strengths of job rotation?
- Reduces boredom
- Increases motivation
- Helps employees better understand their work contributions.
What are the weaknesses of job rotation?
- Creates disruptions
- Requires extra time for supervisors addressing questions and training time
- Reduced efficiencies
The job characteristics model was developed in the 1970s. It studies the various factors that make a job satisfying for the organisation as well as the person holding the job.
What are the methods for increasing job satisfaction?
Job enlargement, job enrichment, job rotation