The Jinn W1 Flashcards
They were created before man kind
The Jinn may be further divided into two categories in relationship to their faith
- Muslim (believers)
- Kaafir (s.) Kuffaar (pl.) disbevers)
And I (Allah) created not the jinn
and mankind except that they
should worship Me (Alone).
Surah Dhaariyaat,
Chapter 51, Verse 56
The literal meaning of Jinn
come from Arabic Word (Verb)
Janna, Yajunnu: means
cover, hide or conceal”
“He said, I am better than he is.
You (God) created me from fire
and You created him from clay!”
Surah Sad (Chapter 38, Verse 76)
“And when We told the angels to
prostrate to Adam, they all
prostrated except Iblees. He was
of the Jinn.”
Surah Al-Kahf (Chapter 18, Verse 50
said: prophet Muhammad saw
“There are three types of Jinn: One
type which flies in the air all the time,
another type which exists as snakes
and dogs, and an earthbound type
which resides in one place or wanders
At-Tabaree and Al-Haakim