The Introduction to the Poem Flashcards
What is the name of the poet?
Imam Muhammad ibn al-Jazarī al-Shāfi ̆ī
According to Mulla ‘Ali al-Qārī, who does the term مُقْرِئِ refer to?
It refers to all teachers of the Qur`ān in general
What is this introduction of the poem regarding?
This is an introduction regarding that which is compulsory upon its [the Qur’ān] reciter to know.
How many things are necessary for the reciter to know before starting the recitation of the Qur`ān?
There are 4 things
Mention the things necessary for the reciter to know before starting the recitation of the Qur`ān?
1) The مخارج of the letters and their صفات
2) Proficiency in tajwīd
3) Ilm al-Waqf
4) The Science of Rasm al-Khat (particularly every cut and joined compound in the masāhif, and
the ت and ة)
How many aspects of tajwīd are there and which aspect does the author mention as wājib?
There are 2 aspects: The theory of tajwīd and the application of tajwīd.
The author mentions the theory of tajwīd as being wājib.
Which aspect of tajwīd is Fard ‘Ayn?
The application of tajwīd
Recite the muqaddimah from memory
Recite the muqaddimah from memory
What does مقطوع and موصول mean in the poem?
Those compounds in the Qur`ān which are written as separated or joined