The Internet/ Network layer Flashcards
What is the PDU within the IP protocol?
the Protocol Data Unit (PDU) within the IP Protocol is referred to as apacket.
What is the data payload of a packet?
the Data Payload of an IP Packet is the PDU from the layer above (the Transport layer). It will generally be a TCP segment or a UDP datagram.
In IP protocol, what is the version header?
indicates the version of the Internet Protocol used, e.g. IPv4
In IP protocol, what is the ID, Flags, Fragment Offset header?
these fields are related to fragmentation. If the Transport layer PDU is too large to be sent as a single packet, it can be fragmented, sent as multiple packets, and then reassembled by the recipient.
In IP protocol, what is the TTL header?
a Time to Live (TTL) value. TTL indicates the maximum number of network ‘hops’ a packet can take before being dropped.
In IP protocol, what is the Checksum header?
this is an error checking value generated via an algorithm.`
In IP protocol, what is the Protocol header?
this indicates the protocol used for the Data Payload, e.g. TCP, UDP, etc.
In IP protocol, what is the Source Address header?
the 32-bit IP address of the source (sender) of the packet
In IP protocol, what is the destination Address header?
the 32-bit IP address of the destination (intended recipient) of the packet
How are IPv4 addresses structured?
Pv4 addresses are 32 bits in length and are divided into four sections of eight bits each. they can be assigned as required to devices as they join a network.
What is network hierarchy in the IP address system?
an overall network is split into logical subnetworks, with each defined by the range of IP addresses available to it.
What happens when an IP packet is received by a router?
When an IP packet is received by a router, the router examines the destination IP address and matches it against a list of network addresses in its routing table. As explained above, these network addresses define a range of addresses within a particular subnet
What is the internet?
The internet is a vastnetwork of networks. It is comprised of both thenetwork infrastructureitself (devices, routers, switches, cables, etc) and theprotocolsthat enable that infrastructure to function.
What are protocols?
Protocols aresystems of rules. Network protocols are systems of rules governing the exchange or transmission of data over a network.
Why are there different types of protocols?
Different types of protocol are concerned with different aspects of network communication. It can be useful to think of these different protocols as operating at particular ‘layers’ of the network.
What is encapsulation in networking?
Encapsulationis a means by which protocols at different network layers can work together.
How is encapsulation implemented in networking?
Encapsulation is implemented through the use ofProtocol Data Units(PDUs). The PDU of a protocol at one layer, becomes the data payload of the PDU of a protocol at a lower layer.
What is the physical network?
Thephysical networkis the tangible infrastructure that transmits the electrical signals, light, and radio waves which carry network communications.
What is Latency?
Latency is a measure of delay. It indicates the amount of time it takes for data to travel from one point to another.
What is bandwidth?
Bandwidth is a measure of capacity. It indicates the amount of data that can be transmitted in a set period of time.
what is ethernet?
Ethernetis a set of standards and protocols that enablescommunication between devices on a local network.
What is the PDU for ethernet?
Ethernet uses a Protocol Data Unit called a Frame.
What addressing scheme does ethernet use?
Ethernet usesMAC addressingto identify devices connected to the local network.
What is the predominant protocol used forinter-network communication?
TheInternet Protocol(IP) is the predominant protocol used forinter-network communication.
What are the versions of IP protocol in use?
There are two versions of IP currently in use: IPv4 and IPv6.
What addressing system does IP use?
TheInternet Protocoluses a system of addressing (IP Addressing) todirect data between one device and another across networks.
What PDU does IP use?
IP uses a Protocol Data Unit called a Packet.