The Insurance Contract pt 2 (p25-35) Flashcards
The entire contract consists of…
The policy, the application, and the amendments
Who can change a contract? Who cannot?
Only a company official such as the president or vice president. *Agents cannot change any contract of the insurance** Changes must be in writing and require a signature of the company official and policy owner.
The Insuring Clause
The insurer’s promise to pay. Generally, this provision appears on the cover page of the policy.
Free Look
AKA the right to examine. Provides the policyowner with the right to review the policy. If, for any reason, the policyowner is not satisfied with the policy, it may be returned to the insurer within 10 days of delivery, for a full premium refund. It can be more than 10 days but not less.
Consideration Provision
Primarily refers to the amount and frequency of premium payments. The more frequent the payment, the higher the total premium.
Premium Payment Clause
All premiums are payable in advance to the insurance company (except for the first payment).
Incontestable Clause (time limit on certain defenses)
The insurer may not contest dispute or deny a claim based on information contained in the application after the policy has been in force for two years. THIS INCLUDES FRAUD after 2 years- incontestable.
Misstatement of Age or Sex
This is an exception to the 2 year contestable period that allows insurer to make changes in the policy at any time it discovers an error due to age or sex. These are administrative errors and not grounds to cancel the policy. (adjust premium)
Grace Period
The period of time the policyowner has to pay the premium. The grace period for ordinary life policies is one month(not 30 or 31 days)
Reinstatement Clause
Generally, the conditions are 1) all back premiums plus interest must be paid 2) Any outstanding policy loan must be paid 3) a reinstatement application may be required 4) proof of insurability is required **In Michigan, reinstatement can be made up to 3 years after the policy has lapsed
Ownership Clause
There can be 3 persons involved with the policy (policyowner, the insured, and the beneficiary). Most often, the policy owner and the insured are the same person. In credit insurance, the creditor is the owner*****
Rights of the owner
The right to name and change a beneficiary. The right to elect a cash value loan. The right to assign the policy. The right to elect a settlement option or a dividend option.
Grace period for various premium modes:
Weekly premiums- 7 days. Monthly premiums- 10 days. Annual and all other premiums- 31 days.
Reinstatement application requires what? How long does the insurer have to act on it once all requirements are met?
Proof of insurability, all premiums plus interest paid back. *the insurer then has 45 days to act on the request for reinstatement
Probationary Period/Waiting Period (health policies)
A reinstated health policy contains a 10 day probationary period
Notice of Claim
The insured has 20 days to notify the insurer of a claim or whatever period of time is reasonable.
Claim Forms
Once notified, the insurer has 15 days to provide the insured with claims forms. If they fail to do so, the insured is free to use any form for purposes of reporting the claim.
Proof of loss
The insured has 90 days from the date of loss to complete the claims forms, attach supporting info (like medical bills) and submit the claim.
Time payment of claim
Once the claim is received, the insurer must pay promptly. In most states, this means within 60 days. They must make every effort to settle the claim as quickly as possible.
Legal action-time frame
60 days- 3 years after the time of written proof of loss.
Insurance with other insurers
In the event of duplicate coverage with more than one company, this provision provides for a pro rata reduction of medical expense benefits and a return of premium. (same for individual disability income policies) ***This does NOT apply to group health insurance coverage
Elimination Period
A time deductible