The inhaled anesthetic agents & physiological effects Flashcards
What IA is rate of emergence most rapid?
with the least soluble inhaled anesthetics (nitrous oxide, desflurane, sevoflurane)
What happens when inhaled anesthetic administration is abruptly stopped?
skeletal muscle & fat don’t initially release the anesthetic back into the bloodstream for degradation in the liver
More soluble inhaled agents = ___________ emergence
What does elimination of inhaled anesthetics depend on?
Length of administration,
Blood-gas solubility of the inhaled anesthetic
What is important with inhaled anesthetics for long period of time ?
Context-sensitive half time important with administration
What is floods example of context sensitive half time?
If an anesthetic is 3-4 hrs duration, then about 30 min before the end of the case, turn off sevoflurane and replace it with 70% N2O
(This gives sevoflurane adequate time to decrease 90% & rapid recovery once N2O is DCd at end of surgery)
Review context sensitive half time.
Slide 47
What effect does the greater the uptake of the anesthetic have? (3)
the greater the difference between inspired and alveolar concentrations, and the slower the rate of induction.
What effect does low-output states have?
predispose patients to overdosage with soluble agents, as the rate of rise in alveolar concentrations will be markedly increased.
What are some key factors that speed induction & recovery? (6)
- Elimination of rebreathing, high fresh gas flows
- Low anesthetic-circuit volume
- Low absorption by the anesthetic circuit
- Decreased solubility
- High cerebral blood flow
- Increased ventilation
What is the Blood: Gas Partition Coefficient of methoxyflurane?
What is the Blood: Gas Partition Coefficient of halothane?
What is the Blood: Gas Partition Coefficient of enflurane?
What is the Blood: Gas Partition Coefficient of isoflurane?
What is the Blood: Gas Partition Coefficient of Nitrous oxide?
What is the Blood: Gas Partition Coefficient of Desflurane?
What is the Blood: Gas Partition Coefficient of Sevoflurane?
What is the Blood: Gas Partition Coefficient of Xenon?
What are intermediately soluble agents?
Halothane, Enflurane & Isoflurane
What are intermediately poor soluble agents?
Nitrous oxide, desflurane, sevoflurane and xenon
What is the smell properties of nitrous oxide?
Odorless, sweet smelling
What is true about the solubility of nitrous oxide?
poor blood solubility that results in rapid alveolar and brain partial pressures
Nitrous OXIDE: Mostly used in _________ with other agents (except dental)
What is the flammability of nitrous oxide?
Not flammable but is an oxidizing agent that WILL SUPPORT COMBUSTION