Communicating or exchanging information is important for humans due to wide array o reasons, However, it can be limited by: (Give 3)
The attempt of humans to address the three limitations of communication or exchange of information led to new technologies. These technologies affected the social, political, and economic role of information leading to the so-called_.
Information Revolutions
The start of the information revolution was made possible by the invention of?
From these, early and primitive forms of information and communication technology were developed.
Give the 6 ways of exchanging information in the past. Many of them are still in use today. However, they remain to have limitations.
Drum rolls Fire signals Hand signals Use of pigeons Use of flags Papyrus
The first information revolution began in the _______ with the invention of the telegraph, the telephone, and the radio. It lasted until the 1950s.
Mid-nineteenth century.
He is an American Inventor that was credited for developing the first operational model of the telegraph. His prototype was patented in 1940 but was first used in 1945.
Widespread in America and then in Europe. It increased the connection between people separated by great distances.
Samuel Morse
The telegraph played an important role during ________. It was used by the US government to communicate military information, command, and Intelligence reports to its troops.
American Civil War
Also used by diplomatic offices in Europe to communicate with other countries. This enabled easier communication and linkage among countries.
The first telephonic device was developed by _______, However, Alexander Graham Bell was credited for the invention of the telephone in 1876. Unlike telegraphs, telephones can send sound waves.
Johann Philip Reis
Who invented and patented the first radio?
his radio can only send Morse codes
Guglielmo Marconi
Who discovered how to send voice and music through the radio?
Reginald Fessenden
Were eventually established in the US and in Europe. Radios were used by the military during the world wars.
Radio networks and stations
The second information revolution began ____
1950s until 1980s
The Revolution made the world smaller
The Second Information Revolution, Give the 3 inventions that improved communication.
Early Generations Computers
Television was developed in the _____ based on the work of 3 inventors.
Who invented the process of image scanning?
Who Invented the iconoscope tube and the kinescope tube?
Who invented the receiver picture tube?
Who was credited for developing the first electronic digital computer in 1939?
John Vincent Atanasoff
Who developed the first working digital computer,? The Colossus. was during WW II to decode Nazi war codes.
Alan Turing
In 1946, ___and ___ developed ENIAC or Electronic Numerical Integrator and calculator.
J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly
Who developed the transistor?
second generation computers
William Shockley
Walter Brattain
John Bardeen
The invention of integrated circuits led to the development of the ____.
Third-generation computers
To transmit telephone and television signals on a global scale, ____ were developed. enabled global communication.
Was the first artificial Satellite?. it was developed by the Soviet Union and was launched in 1957. this marked the beginning of the so-called ___.
In the US, the military launched its first satellite, the SCORE or SIGNAL COMMUNICATIONS by ORBITING RELAY EQUIPMENT, IN 1958.
Sputnik 1
Space Age
Was the first civilian telecommunications satellite. it was launched into orbit in 1964. It was developed by NASA and was used to broadcast the 1964 Summer Olympics.
Syncom III