The Influence Of Culture On Romantic Relationships Flashcards
What is an individualist culture?
One that values independence rather than reliance on others.
What is a collectivist culture?
One that is characterised by the extent to which things are shared-groups live and work together sharing tasks and belongings.
AO1-Voluntary vs non-voluntary
Western cultures are seen as voluntary, because of their greater geographical and social motility, we come into contact with more people on a daily basis and we have a greater ‘pool’ of potential relationship partners and so we have a greater degree of choice.
Non-Western cultures lack these urban settings and therefore people have less mobility and hence they have less choice about whom they interact with on a daily basis.
AO1-Individual vs group based relationships
Western cultures are more concerned with the happiness and rights of the individual as opposed to the group. They focus on the individual and their interests are more highly regarded that the group goals and interests.
Non-Western cultures are concerned with the family or group, they are encouraged to be interdependent.
Who wouldn’t marry for love?
There has been found that a higher proportion of those from collectivist cultures would marry in the absence of love and see love as a comparative luxury.
Cultural differences in loneliness
Western cultures have been suggested to experience a greater degree of loneliness because of the high desire we have for romantic relationships. Suggesting a strong emphasis on the importance of romantic relationships in Western cultures.
Are voluntary relationships better after all?
Research has found that there is no difference in marital satisfaction with arranged marriages compared to non-arranged marriages. Suggesting non-voluntary are just as practical than voluntary.
However, what has a study found about women?
Women are happier who have married for love as opposed to those part of an arranged marriage.
Greater Urbanisation
Attitudes towards love and marriage come from greater urbanization and mobility. Globalisation has changed peoples attitudes so they differ from their parents’s views.
Methodological problems
If an aspect of the methodology is interpreted differently in one culture than another, this creates a cultural bias that can cause the results to become invalid.
Indigenous psychologists
We should aim to develop more indigenous psychologists, we can then study aspects of the relationships that are seen as important in that culture instead of imposing aspects from our own culture.
Evolutionary theory of love
Love is seen as a ‘human universal’ that has evolved to promote survival and reproduction. Being in a long-term relationship offers lower mortality rates and increase happiness and decreased stress.
How does Fisher support the evolutionary theory of love?
He found evidence of romantic love in 90% of 166 cultures studied, showing love is universal. There have also been claims to see an area of the brain to light up during scans in people who claim to be in love.