THE ILIAD Flashcards
Who is the son of Peleus and Thetis?
who is the commander of the myrmidons?
Who is the king of the Mycenae
Who is the Achaean commander of the Salamis contingent
Who is Calchas
An Achaean prophet and the son of Thestor
Who is half beast and half human?
Who is king of argos
Who is king of cos
Who is Helen
Daughter of Zeus, wife of Menelaus, consort of Paris
who is the Achaean commander of Cretuns and Pylians
Who is Machaon
co- commander of thessalians
Who is Menelaus?
husband of Helen brother of Agamemnon
Who is the king of Pylians
Who is Odysseus
Warlord of Ithace
who was the man to have an idea to build the horse at the end of the story.
Who is Achilles best friend
Who is a master archer
Who is Aeneas
Son of Aphrodite, commander of the Dardanians
Who is Agelaus
Trojan herdsman who brought up Paris and not killed him.
Who is the wife of Hector
Who is Briseis
Daughter of Briseus, captive of Achilles
Who is Chrysies
Daughter of Chryses, captive of Agamemnon
Who is Chryses
Priest of Apollo, father of Chryseis
Who was the trojan scout to look and see the ship at night.
Dolon the trojan scout
who is the co-commander of the Mysians
Who is Hector
Son of Priam and Hecuba, supreme commander of the trojans
Who is Iphidamas
Son of Antenor
Who is the king of Ethiopia and the nephew of Priam
Who is Paris
Son of Priam and Hecuba, stole Helen and killed Achilles
Who is Priam
King of Troy, father of Hector and Paris
Who is the King of Thrace
Who is Aphrodite
Goddess of love, mother of Aeneas
Who is Apollo
god of the sun, son of Zeus and Leto, twin brother of Artemis, principal divine champion of the Trojans
Who is Ares
God of war
who is the goddess of the hunt daughter of Zeus and Leto and twin sistr of Apollo
Who is the god of fire
Who is Hera
queen of the gods, wife and sister of Zeus
Who is are the 2 messengers of the gods?
Hermes and Iris.
Who is Poseidon
God of sea, younger brother of Zeus
Who is Thetis
sea goddess, wife of Peleus, mother of Achilles.
Who is Zeus
King of the gods