The human genome, epigenetics, and chromatin remodeling Flashcards
Composition of the human genome
- Retrotransposons (~42%), mobile eleme nts (RNA
* LTR - long terminal repeats
* LINEs - long interspersed nuclear elements (99%
* SINEs - short interspersed nuclear elements (Alu) - DNA transposons (bacteria-like, small fraciton)
- Inverted repeats (2 mill)- hairpin structures,
regulatory roles. - Segmental duplications (~5%), blocks of 1-200
kb, several regions - Highly repetitive DNA, >106 copies per genome,
SSRs/STRs – simple sequence/short tandem (~3%),
telomeres and centromeres
DNA methylation
Cytosine can be methylated
* Stable modification, best studied epigenetic mark
“p” refers to
phosphate group
linking the two
MOL3100: The human genome, epigenetics and chromatin remodeling
C 5-metC
* DNA methylation occurs at C in a CpG context (C before G in the DNA sequence)
* 70-80% of all CpG sites in the human genome is methylated (CpGs are underrepresented)
* Silencing of genes (repression of CpG-rich promoters and transposable elements)
* In females: Inactive X chromosome is heavily DNA methylated
De novo methylation: DNMT3a and DNMT3b
Maintenance methylation: DNMT1
DNA methylation by DNA methyltransferase (DNMT)
Cytosine is converted to 5-methylcytosine by DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs)
MOL3100: The human genome, epigenetics and chromatin remodeling
* Methyl donor: S-Adenosyl methionine (SAM)
* De novo DNMTs: put the initial pattern of methyl groups on DNA CpG sites (development)
* Maintenance DNMTs: copy the methylation pattern from the DNA template to the new
strand after replication (somatic cell division)
Maintenance DNA methylation by DNMT1
CpG methylation is inherited from mother cell to daughter cells
* DNMT1 (bound to PCNA) recognizes 5-met-C on the parental strand
DNA methylation; regulation of gene expression
CpG islands are CG-rich sequences of ~1kb, located in promoters and 5’ region of genes (60% of
human genes)
* CpG islands are usually non-methylated in germ cells, early embryo and most somatic tissue
* CFP1 (CXXC finger protein 1) bind DNA with high unmethylated CG → mark active genes
* Methylation at CpG islands is associated with transcription repression
What causes the silencing effect of DNA methylation?
Methylation of DNA does not affect the charge
* The methyl group may physically prevent the binding of transcription factors
* Methylated DNA recruit proteins that have a methyl-CpG-binding domain, and these proteins will in
turn recruit other chromatin remodeling factors
Methylated DNA function as a signal for other proteins to locate to the locus and
silence genes and form heterochromatin
Genomic imprinting (only one allele active)
X chromosome inactivation
DNA methylation status during embryonic development:
Se slide 41
DNA demethylation;
active and passive mechanisms
Active demethylation: enzymatic process - TET
mediated oxidation of the methyl-group followed by
base excision repair (BER)
Passive demethylation: lack of maintenance
methylation during replication, no DNMT1 or
inhibition of DNMT1
DNA demethylation trough stepwise oxidation by the TET (ten-eleven translocase)
5hmC, 5fC, 5caC are not
recognized by DNMT1,
→ no methylation of nascent
TDG (thymine DNA glycosylase) can excise T (T:G), 5-fC (formyl) and 5-caC (carboxyl) from DNA,
→ The resulting Abasic sites are repaired by BER (AP-endonuclease, polymerase, ligase)