The Human Body | Advanced Flashcards
I need spectacles because my sight is poor.
After the exam I lost sight of my schoolmates.
uit het oog verliezen
I am fed up with your rude behaviour. Get out of my sight!
uit mijn ogen
Unique facial features, such as widely-spaced eyes and a triangular face.
I you mean ‘yes’, please nod your head.
Fooled you! he said, with a cheeky grin.
leuk brutaal
My nephew is such a sassy little kid; he says the funniest things.
leuk ondeugend
Some prisoners faced brutal punishments like whipping and flogging.
The teacher was shocked by the boy’s rude behaviour in class.
echt brutaal
As I was feeling poorly, I decided to stay in bed and take some medication.
niet lekker, ziek
Were you * ill * last class? I noticed you were absent.
niet lekker, ziek
After eating too many biscuits, I felt really * sick *.
Because of the flu (griep), I had a fever and * shivered * all over.
(rilde) rillen
I was so nervous before the performance, my hands were trembling.
beven, bibberen
Some illnesses are contagious : they spread easily.