The Human Act Flashcards
Formal colaboration with evil
I want the evil that the other one wants (= it is never licit)
Tolerating the Lesser evil
In some circunstances
it is morally licit to tolerate (allow, no to avoid)
an moral evil
–that could be avoided–
considering a superior good
or in order to avoid a greater evil.
4 things
Analisis of the human action according to Proportionalism
- Azioni sono azione fisiche che producono effetti fisici (ontici, premorali)
- Se si agisce con buona intenzione, la condizione determinante del “principio del duplice effetto” è la 4ª condizione.
- Per valutare non si dice se le azioni sono moralmente buone o cattive, la moralità dipende delle intenzioni interiori.
- La persona è buona se compie l’azione con buone intenzioni, cercando “il bene (premorale) più grande” (Schüller).
Virtue Moral (definition)
Disposición buena estable.
that consists in a relative-to-us mean,
that is regulated by right reason
in the form in which it would be regulated
by the truly prudent man.
4 and the 4th is the one used by proportionalist
Conditions for double effect
- The action is good in itself (i.e. the action is not intrinsically immoral)
- The positve effect must come forth directly from the action compleated (i.e. the negative effect must not be the means to the possitive effect)
- The positive effect must be the only one sought forth (i.e. the negative effect must not be the ulterior intention)
- There is ought to be a proportionated grave reason for the action.
Virtues: what is prudence
Moral wisdom
Practical and moral virtue.
Recta ratio agibilium
3 Elements of the human Action
- The action in itself (intentional action, or intentional object or content, or fine prossimo, or finis operis)
- Ulterior intention / end (or finis operantis, or the why?)
- Circunstances (& consequences)
Choosing the Lesser evil
Physical evil: Could be chosen
Moral evil: Should NEVER be chosen (even though proporcionalism claims that there is “premoral” good/evil)
Why the end cannot justify the means?
- Impossibilità “antropologica” (per la stessa struttura del volere) e “psicologica”. Chi intende il fine vuole anche l’azione in vista di esso (i mezzi), lo intende attraverso questa azione.
- “Principio di non contraddizione” applicato all’azione. Non è possibile volere il bene del fine perché bene, in quanto bene (nell’intenzione) e scegliere il male (l’azione) per raggiungerlo, perché implica una contraddizione: significherebbe voler il bene e il male allo stesso tempo.
Normas morales absoultas
Normas morales que prohiben actos intrisicamente inmorales
que valen independientemente de las circustancias (siempre y en todas las circunstancias [semper et pro semper]).
Lo que estas normas prohiben son actos que van contra la verdad de la persona)
CCC Definition of moral Virtue
habitual and solid
to do the good
or to do it in an excellent way
Tipos de conciencia
What is a habitus elettivo?
It is the habitus of good-chosing
Opposed to the “slavery”
Shows that prudence is the main virtue
3 conditions of imputability
- If you could foresee the negative effect
- If you could avoid the action that causes the negative effect
- If you ought to avoid the action in order not to cause the negative effect
Movement of the sensibility
before that which is perceived as good or bad
for the sensibility