The hospital Flashcards
Being a doctor was always a dream of mine. I am the first doctor in my family.
a dream of mine = my dream
I specialize in Pediatric intensive care medicine.
Pediatric Intensive Care

In the ICU the quicker you are, the better.
the sooner/bigger/quicker the better
used for saying that you want something to be as soon/big/quick etc as possible
A pediatrician only deals with patients who make an appointment for a consultation.
deal with something to take action to do something, especially to solve a problem
The government must now deal with the problem of high unemployment.
What is the most frustrating aspect of your job?
The most frustrating aspect is to not have the correct tools to work.
There is often a lack of medicine, tools.
Lack - falta
diseases - /
Researchers are trying to find cures for the world’s diseases.
Do you know any cures for a headache?
cures - /k.yourz/
The symptoms include headaches, nausea and vomiting.
nausea /naw·zee·uh/

The doctor ordered a CT scan before she could have surgery.
O doutor pediu uma tomografia computadorizada antes que ela fizesse a cirurgia.