The Holocaust Flashcards
When did the Germans invade Poland?
September 1st, 1939
When did the second world war end?
May 1945
How far back does the hatred of Jewish people go?
Thousands of years to Ancient Rome.
When christianity took hold of the world anti-jewish feeling spread. There were false stories that the Jews had killed Jesus. They were blamed for causing disease and for bad crops. Anti Jewish laws were passed. They couldn’t own land. They couldn’t be citizens.
What does the word ‘Holocaust’ mean?
Sacrifice by Fire
What is anti-semitism?
The hatred of Jews
Hostility or prejudice against jews
What century did things start getting a little better for the jewish people?
1800’s. Fairer laws were developed. The Jewish people had more freedom.
What year did the first world war start?
Who was the Kaiser?
The Emperor of Gemany.
When did the 1st world war end?
1918 (Germany surrendered)
Who did Germany attribute most of the blame to regarding their defeat in the 1st world war?
The Jews
What was life like in Germany between the two world wars?
Bad. Germany had to disband its army. The country had lost land and it had to pay large amounts of money to the countries they had been fighting against. By 1929 millions of Germans were out of work and had no savings.
What year was Adolf Hitler born?
Where was Hitler born?
A small Austrian town called Braunau am Inn.
What profession did Hitler want to embark on when he was young?
An Artist
Where did Hitler move to when he was a young man?
To Austria’s capital, Vienna
What year did Hitler leave this city?
When Hitler left Vienna in 1913, where did he move to?
Munich, Germany
Did Hitler join the German army to fight in the 1st World war?
Yes. He found success in the army and won medals for bravery during the First World War.
How did he feel when Germany surrendered?
Hitler and Germany were extremely deflated after Germany surrendered. Like many mothers he blamed the Jews.
In 1919 Hitler attended a meeting in Munich. It was held by a new political group. What was the group called?
The German Workers’ Party.
What was the objective of the German Worker’s Party?
They wanted a strong, proud Germany
What name did the political party use to refer to true Germans?
What were the physical features of a ‘true’ German?
Blonde hair, blue eyes
Hitler joined the political party and after a year he rose up the ranks to become leader. What did he choose as the party’s symbol?
This swastika was used in Indian religions, but that wasn’t the reason Hitler chose it. Why did he choose it?
Hitler believed that thousands of years earlier Aryan nomads used the swastika
What two words did Hitler add to the name of the German Workers’ party?
National Socialist. Abbreviated to NSDAP - Shortened to NAZI Party
What two problems did Hitler identify as leader of the NAZI party?
Germany had to be bigger and stronger and something had to be done about the Jews.
On November 8th 1923 Hitler went to a beer hall in Munich. Why?
German Government Officials were holding a meeting there. Hitler wanted to overthrow these leaders, then March to Berlin, the nation’s capital.
He went with Storm troopers. What are storm troopers?
Armed NAZIS known for violence.
What happened to Hitler at the Beer Hall?
Hitler was arrested. He had fired a pistol at the ceiling. The officials were held prisoner and people were killed.
Hitler went on trial after his arrest in the beer hall. What positive and negative effects came from the trial?
Hitler was sent to jail but the trial drew even more people to the Nazi party.
What was the title of the book Hitler wrote in Jail? (Give German and English title)
Mein Kampf
My Struggle
In this book Hitler spoke about his struggle against the Jews and accused them of plotting to take over the world.
What state was the Nazi party in by the time Hitler was released from jail?
The Nazi party was more powerful than ever by the time Hitler was released from jail. They held big parades and staged rallies.
What was the name of the Nazi military group?
The SS
When Hitler ran for president, who did he run against?
President Paul Von Hindenburg. Hitler lost the election
What did President Paul Von Hindenburg do after the election and what year was this?
He appointed Hitler Chancellor. The year was 1933.
How did the Jewish people of Germany feel about Hitler’s new found power?
The Jewish people knew that Hitler’s new found power would mean trouble for them. Because of this many of Germany’s jews emigrated to start a new life.
Where in Germany was the first Nazi concentration camp?
The first Nazi concentration camp was just outside Munich in a town called Dachau. Hitler imprisoned political enemies in this prison.
It was a prison were people were ‘concentrated’ in great numbers under brutal conditions.
Why did President von Hindenburg give Hitler full power?
President Von Hindenburg was old and frail and for this reason he gave full power to Hitler.
A few months after Hitler had been given full power he no longer needed approval from other political parties. Why?
Hitler made all political parties illegal with the exception of his own Nazi party. From that point forward he could do what he wanted.
Hitler was now free to do what he wanted to the jews. What was the first thing he did?
The first thing Hitler did was separate the Jews from normal society. He then proceeded to pass anti-jewish laws.
When did Hitler found Hitler Youth?
In the early 1920’s.
By 1939 membership was no longer a choice.
What did Hitler do after the death of President von Hindenburg in 1934?
Hitler combined Von Hindenburg’s job with his own. There was no longer a President and a Chancellor. There was only Hitler.
What name did Hitler give to himself and what is the English translation?
In 1934 he named himself Fuhrer.
English translation is Leader.
After naming himself the Fuhrer in 1934, Hitler then began to pass more anti-jewish laws but not all at once. Why didn’t he pass the laws all at once?
He wanted to test the mood of the country. When non Jewish citizens didn’t object he took away more rights from the Jews.
Give examples of some of the anti-Jewish laws that were passed?
1 - The Jews were not allowed to hold certain jobs
2 - They couldn’t work in Government
3 - They couldn’t practice Law or Medicine
4 - They couldn’t teach in Public Schools
5 - Jewish Professors were kicked off the faculty of universities
6 - They couldn’t marry non-jews
7 - They had to carry ID Cards
8 - Their stores and homes had to be marked with a Jewish star
More jewish laws passed each month
They couldn’t own business or property
They couldn’t go to parks or play sports with non-jews
After a while they had to wear a badge with a yellow star on their clothes everywhere they went
What country did the Nazis march into in 1938?
Other countries were aware of Hitler’s treatment of the Jews but did nothing. Because of this Hitler went further and marched his troops into neighbouring Austria. Hitler rode behind the troops and he was met by cheering crowds. Most Austrians were eager to be part of what Hitler called the Third Reich. The Austrians didn’t mind the harsh Jewish laws and almost immediately Jews were attacked on the streets.
In the September of 1938 Hitler demanded a region in what country become part of what he called the Third Reich?
The Sudetenland, a czech region.
Why did Great Britain and other countries not object to this demand?
Hitler said threatened that war if he didn’t get the land. Britain wanted to avoid conflict, so didn’t object.
Germany was growing stronger and anti Semitism was growing stronger. On Nov 9, 1938 anti jewish violence swept across Germany and Austria. What did they call this night? (include English translation)
Kristallnacht - Night of Broken Glass
On this night more than 7000 Jewish businesses were destroyed, along with 267 synagogues. Shattered glass from windows lined the streets and 91 Jews were killed.
Afterwards the Jewish people received bills for the damage caused by the Nazis. Hundreds of thousands of Jewish men were arrested and sent to concentration camps. These were the first to be arrested just for being Jews.
By the end of the 1930s many Jewish people fled to other European countries, the US and Palestine. Why didn’t all the Jews leave?
More than half the Jewish population fled to other european countries, the US and Palestine. The Jews that didn’t leave simply didn’t have the money. Also there were limits on how many Jewish people could enter. That was because in America and Europe, millions of people were out of work, so they didn’t want Jewish immigrants arriving and competing for the few jobs that there were.
What action finally made European leaders make a stand and tell Germany they had to stop all conquests?
In March of 1939, Germany seized the Czech capital city of Prague. This when european leaders told Germany they had to stop all conquests.
What date did the Germans invade Poland?
September 1st, 1939.
What two countries declared War on Germany and what did they do it?
Two days after the invasion of Poland, Great Britain and France declared war on the Third Reich. This was the start of the 2nd World War.
In the Spring of 1940 Hitler invaded five other countries. Can you name them?
In the Spring of 1940 Germany invaded Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, belgium and France.
In 1941 Hitler the invaded three more countries. Can you name them?
In April 1941 Hitler then invaded Yugoslavia and Greece. Then in June Nazi troops marched into the Soviet Union. Hitler was now on his way to creating an empire.
Two sides fought each other in World War 2. What names were given to each side?
The Axis powers - Germany, Italy, Japan
The Allies - led by Great Britain and the Soviet Union
What major Country later joined the war and why?
The United States had hoped to stay out of the war but joined after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbour.
What was the aim of Germany, Italy and Japan?
Germany to rule Europe
Italy to rule around the mediterranean Sea
Japan to rule in the Far Eastern part of the world
What was the new problem Hitler faced after conquering other countries?
The problem Hitler now faced was that there many jews in the countries he invaded. Poland alone had over 3 million Jews. Hitler now had to work out what to do with them.
What did he do to combat this problem?
Hitler forced the Jews to live in separate cities and towns. Just months after the Polish invasion the first Ghettos were created. Before the end of the war there were at least a thousand Ghettos in German occupied countries.
Where were the first ghettos?
The first (and biggest) ghettos were in Lodz and Warsaw in Poland. Ghettos were later set up across eastern europe.
How were prisoners identified in the concentration camps?
Every prisoner had a number that was tattooed onto their arm.
What did the sign above the gate of Auschwitz say and what is the English translation?
Arbeit Macht Frei
Work Will Set You Free
What was the final Solution?
The Final Solution was a plan to wipe out the jews in all of the camps over Poland.
What year did German troops invade the Soviet Union?
What was the name of the poisonous gas used to kill people in the concentration camps?
Zyklon B
What did the Allies believe was the best plan when they became aware of what was happening in these concentration camps?
The Allies believed the best plan was to end the war as quickly as possible. The war lasted until 1945 and by then twelve million people had been murdered. Half of them were jewish.
What was the name of the nazi factory owner who helped the jews?
Oskar Schindler. He used part of his factory to make weapons. The jews who worked there would not be sent off to the camps because the nazis needed them. Schindler also fooled officials by giving them false numbers for how many weapons his workers made. The workers actually only made a small number of weapons. Schindler drew up a list of workers; names and skills, changing ages and saying that doctors and lawyers were mechanics whose work was highly valued. He spent his money bribing the SS officers and buying his workers clothes, food and medicine.
Which country stood up to Hitler by refusing to let the Nazis take its Jewish citizens?
Denmark. Although an occupied country under Hitler’s control, Denmark refused to let the nazis take its Jewish citizens. More than 7000 jews were smuggled in fishing boats to Sweden and safety.
Which ghetto was the scene of the most famous act of resistance by the jewish people and when did it happen?
The Warsaw ghetto. In January of 1943 nazi SS troops went to the ghetto to round up people to take to the camps. However, a surprise attack was waiting for them. An army of jews consisting mostly of young men and women fought back. They had few weapons but still managed to kill many Germans. The nazi troops retreated. The fighting lasted for 4 weeks. In the end the nazis burnt every building to the ground. Only a few dozen Jews escaped.
What was the symbol that this act of resistance (The fightback by the people in the Jewish ghetto) stands for?
It stood as a symbol of great courage against evil.
When did the tide of war start turning against Germany?
In 1943. The Axis powers were fighting on too many fronts, and the Allies were coming at Hitler’s army from every direction. North, South, East, West and by air.
What date did Germany officially surrender?
The act of military surrender was first signed at 02:41 on 7 May in SHAEF HQ at Reims, and a slightly modified document, considered the definitive German Instrument of Surrender, was signed on 8 May 1945 in Karlshorst, Berlin at 21:20 local time.
Did Italy surrender before the Germans? If so, when?
Italy had already surrendered in 1943
When did Japan sign a peace treaty?
Japan signed a peace treaty in Sep 1945.
How many people including civilians, holocaust victims and armed forces from both sides lost their lives in the second world war?
About 55 million people
After the war top Nazis were brought to trial. Where were the first trials held?
Nuremberg, Germany
What is the definition of the word genocide?
The word genocide was coined during the holocaust and means: The deliberate killing of people from
a particular group.
In 1919 after the 1st World War, Germany tried to set up a democracy. What were the representatives of this democracy called?
The Reichstag