The Holocaust Flashcards
What does Holocaust mean?
Holocaust means the destruction of a vast group of people especially Jewish people.
What is genocide?
Killing a race of people
What is the Aryan race?
The superior German race (ideally tall, blonde and blue eyes)
What is antisemitism?
Hostility towards jews
What is social Darwinism?
The belief that some humans are more ‘evolved than others’ ie. Ranking races
What is a concentration camp?
A place were large groups of people were imprisoned with inadequate facilities
What is an extermination camp?
A camp specialising in mass murder
What happened at the Wannsee Conference?
Nazis came to the ‘Final Solution’ , they decided to kill the Jews
When was the Wannsee Conference?
January 1942
Name two principle officials at the Wannsee Conference
Heyrich and Erchmann
Who lead the SS?
What is the section of the SS in charge of nazi camps called?
The Death Head Units
What was Hiltler’s anti-Semitic book called?
Mein Kampf (my struggle)
Why did people vote nazi?
They promised to take them out of the Great Depression
Why did Hitler hate Jews?
He blamed them for losing WW1, he thought Jewish businessmen were trying to take over the world and he thought that they weren’t as human as the Germans
What happened in 1934 to the Jews?
They were marked with a star
When were the Nuremberg laws passed?
What did the Nuremberg laws say?
Jews weren’t German and they couldn’t have rights or intermarry
When was the Night of the Broken Glass?
November 1938
What happened on the Night of the Broken Glass?
Jewish shops were looted and Jewish buildings were burnt. Many Jews were killed and arrested
How many Jews did the Nazis kill?
Approximately 6 million
What happened in German schools in 1938?
Jews were expelled
What happened to Jews in the workforce in 1938?
They were sacked
What happened to the Jews in relation to their leisure activities in 1938?
They were banned from sport, going to the theatre/cinema etc.
What were the cattle trains like?
Cramped, smelly, inhuman
How were the Jews transported?
By cattle trians
Why was working in the toilets good?
It was inside and away from the nazis
Who were the nazis main political opponents?
What things did Jews eat in camps?
Very basic, very little, watery soup, small bits of meat
What usually happened to pregnant women on their arrival to camps?
Immediately gassed
Where is Dachau?
When was Dachau set up?
What was the first concentration camp?
What is the roll call area?
Were prisoners were punished and selected
Where did the Jews sleep?
How many people were the blocks built to hold?
What was the average number of prisoners per barrack at the end of the war?
What were the prisoners uniforms comprised of?
Tunics, trousers, clogs, a cap, a jacket, a badge that shows your ‘crime’
What gas was used in the gas chambers?
Zyklon B
Where is Auschwitz?
When was Auschwitz opened?
1940, but it only really got big in 1942
When was Auschwitz liberated?
What is selection?
When the nazis decided who was going to live and who was going to die
What happened to the unfit?
They were sent for extermination
What happened to the fit?
They were sent to work
What happened to the prisoners hair?
It was shaved of off to dehumanise them
How many people were sleeping on each bunk?
8 people
What was the Kanada section?
Were the Nazis stored and sorted through the prisoners belongings
How were the prisoners divided?
Male or female, fit/unfit
What was taught in schools?
Extreme anti-semitism and nazi lessons
Who were the German Gestapo?
People in charge of getting the Jews and punishing people
What was mostly broadcasted on German radios?
Nazi propaganda
Who are the righteousness among the nations?
Individuals who helped Jewish people, they were given this title by Israel
When did the Nuremberg Trials take place?
1945 - 1949
Who organised the Nuremberg Trials?
The Allies: Great Britain, United States of Soviet Russia, The United States of America, France
What were the Nazis put of trial for at the Nuremberg trials?
Crimes against humanity, crimes against peace and war crimes
What were the Nazis war crimes?
Killing prisoners of war
What were the Nazis crimes against peace?
They started the war
What were the Nazis crimes against humanity?
The holocaust
Who was Rudolf Hess?
Hitlers deputy
What was Rudolf Hess’s sentence?
Life imprisonment
Who was Albert Speer?
Hitlers personal architect and in charge of the economy
What was Albert Speer’s sentence?
20 years in prison
What was Bauder von Schriach’s job?
He was head of Hitler Youth
What was Bauder von Schirach’s sentence?
20 years in prisom
What was Hermann Goering in charge of?
He was second in command of the Luftwaffe (airforce)
What was Hermann Goering’a sentence?
Sentenced to death by hanging but committed suicide before it happend
What was Hans Frank’s job?
He was in charge of Poland
What was Hans Frank’s sentence?
Sentenced to death by hanging
Did survivors testify at the Nuremberg Trials?
When were the Nuremberg Laws passed?
When was the Wannsee Conference?
When was the night of the broken glass?
When was the liberation of Auschwitz?