The Holocaust Flashcards
What was Auschwitz I?
a concentration camp
What was Auschwitz II?
a concentration camp and a death camp
What was Auschwitz III?
a labour camp
What is the Holocaust also known as?
Shoah, meaning catastrophe
What was the first use of the word Holocaust?
It was used to describe the killing of Jews in france 1142, and as a reference to anti-semetism in medieval times
What were some of the principles of nazi ideology?
Racism, biological and religious discrimination self-sufficiency anti communism social darwinism people's community
Why did many Germans believe they had lost WW1?
stab in the back theory
They believed they had been betrayed by jewish democratic politicians signing the treaty
Who was Joseph Goebbels?`
the minister for enlightenment and propoganda
How did the nazis use propaganda and media to control germany?
There was a radio block on foreign programmmes
There were organised marches and speeches on the radio
They fired anti-nazi editors and journalists
How did the nazis use terror to control germany?
They gave the police and the SS absolute power
The police ignored nazi crimes and snooped politically
how did the nazis use the gestapo to control germany
the gestapo could arrest people on suspicion and send them to concentration camps with no explanation
When were many anti-jewish laws created?
1939-1940, they were meant to separate the jews from society
What was the nuremburg law and when was it created
1935, jews cannot marry or have relatonships with non jews
What was kristallnacht and when was it?
Nov, 1938. The smashing of jewish homes and businesses. 1000 jews were killed
What was the british union of fascists (BUF)
an anti-semitic group who were against war. they aimed to copy mussolini’s ideology and hitler’s nazi party