The Hellenistic World Flashcards
Which of the following was not one of Philip the second’s military reforms
He abandoned the phalanx formation as to ineffective and inefficient
Philip II was able to forge an efficient military machine by
A and c
The philippics were a series or orations in which
Demosthenes convinced the Athenians to fight against Philip
Which of the following statements about the Macedomians is correct
They were probably not Greek
Hoped that Philip would unite the Greek world in a campaign against Persia
All of the following were results of the battle of chaeronea except for
The complete destruction of Athens for its leadership in the struggle against Macedonia
All of the following were conquered by Alexander except
Alexander’s military success against the Persians was in part attributable to
The role of Alexander is Calvary as a strike force
Alexander invaded the Persian empire
With an army of 37,000 including 5,000 cavalry
At the battle of gaugamela
The Greeks under Alexander were able to break the center of the Persian lime and boldness turn the battle into a rout
Alexander the great’s conquests in Asia occurred despite
His eventual difficulties in convincing his troops to fight so far from home
Alexander the great’s troops rebelled when he made the decision to invade and capture
In establishing his empire, Alexander the great
Saw himself as a descendent of Greek gods and heroes.
Combined Greek and Persian practices to allow its administration.
Allowed intermarriage between his soldiers in need of Persian women.
The Hellenistic era describes an age that saw
The extension and imitation of Greek culture throughout the ancient near East
Upon the death of Alexander
His Macedonia generals became involved in successive power struggles
The Hellenistic dynasty that lasted the longest was the
The famous Indian ruler who sent Buddhist missionaries to Greek rulers was
The people from Europe north of the Alps who attacked Rome and Macedonia and Greece in the fourth and third centuries B.C. were the
The Hellenistic states in the centuries after Alexander the Great
Became despotic monarchies
Which of the following statements best describes Hellenistic cities
Important centers of administration, most of which were dominated by Greeks and Greek cultures
A clear trend of Hellenistic cities was
The close relationship between the Hellenistic rulers and the cities
The actolian and the Achaean leagues were
Located in central Greece and Peloponnesus
Improvements in trade and commerce in the Hellenistic world were greatly aided by all of the following except
Revolutionary innovations in agriculture
The economic life of the Hellenistic world was characterized by
Significant shift in industry and manufacturing from Greece to the east
Which class of women achieved the most notable games during the Hellenistic period
Upper class
In the Hellenistic world
Small families were common
Which of the following was not a major source of slaves in the Hellenistic world
Citizens who could not pay their debts were sold into slavery
Among the most ill treated of Hellenistic slaves were those
Who worked in Egyptian gold mines
Hellenistic education as embodied in the gymnasium
Closely and widely followed classical Greek ideas about proper education
What was the greatest difference between education during the Hellenistic period and education during the classical period
Rather than being a private enterprise, Hellenistic education became a duty of cities and their governments
The Greek god of healing, but responsible for miraculous cures in the Hellenistic period, was
The scientific foundations of medicine made by Alexandrian physicians
Were made possible through the use of dissection and Vivisection
An especially important culture center with the largest library in ancient times was
Which of the following statements is untrue concerning Hellenistic culture
Artists remained social outcasts, and were rarely patronized by the rich
The theatrical center of the Hellenistic world and home of new comedy was
The surviving works of the Greek historian polybius demonstrate
His following of ThucyIdes in seeking rational motives for historical events
Hellenistic sculpture
Was more emotional and realistic than classical Greek sculpture
Hellenistic scientist were able to accomplish all of the following except
Inventing a crude telescope
The Alexandrian scholar Euclid’s most famous achievement was
Systematizing the study of geometry
The most famous scientist of his era, Archimedes of Syracuse was responsible for all of the following except
Uniting the disciplines of science and philosophy
The philosophical school that stressed happiness through reading oneself from a political life was
Maintained that people could gain inner peace by seeking virtue and living according to nature
What was the primary difference between the philosophy of the Greek classical period and philosophy during the Hellenistic period
Hellenistic philosophy dealt more with human this associated from the life of polis
The widespread popularity of stoicism and epicureanism and has them in the Hellenistic world
Suggested a new open this to thoughts of University
How did Greek religion change during the Hellenistic period
The Greeks became very receptive to the eastern religion mystery cults
The mystery cults and religion of the Hellenistic world
Helped pave the way for the success of Christianity
In the Hellenistic era, medicine
Progressed due to the use of dissection and vivisection
All of the following are true about the culIsis except
It originated in the eastern Persian empire, an outgrowth of Zoroastrianism
Jews in the Hellenistic era
Were disbursed throughout the eastern my Mediterranean region’s