The Heart as a Pump Flashcards
What is the difference b/n absolute refractory period and relative refractory period?
ARP: is another name for the effective refractory period where the muscle has begun to relax but it is impossible to evoke another AP.
RRP: the muscle is even more relaxed and another AP can evoked BUT it will be weak and conduct slowly.
Define effective refractory period (ERP)?
The time before any other AP can be evoked.
Why is the cardiac AP much longer than other cell types?
Because of a formation of a plateau due to:
1) L-type Ca channels-drive Vm toward ECa =120mV
(1) is balanced by
2) Delayed Rectifier K channels-drive Vm toward EK=-95mV
As a result of this plateau the refractory period is long and comparable to the period of contraction
What would happen if there was tetanic summation in cardiac mm?
Cardiac mm will seize up in a tetanic contraction and not be able to relax, thus will not allow the ventricles to refill=death.
Label ERP and RRP in Figure 1.1
pp. 4
T/F Cardiac mm must be electrically excited to contract.
Explain the process of excitation-contraction in cardiac mm.
Electrical excitation leads to mechanical response: AP travel to T-tubule opening voltage gated L-type Ca channels (DHPR).
1) Ca influx
2) CICR (Ca induced Ca release) from SR
=Increase in intracellular [Ca]=> Contraction
What determines the force developed by contracting cardiac mm?
1) Length of the Fibers
2) Inotropic State
3) Afterload
What is the name of the effect that describes “the force of contraction of the cardiac mm is proportional to its initial length”?
Frank-Starling Effect
T/F Changes in contractility are of a d/f origin from changes in force resulting from length changes.
What are 2 possible causes of the Frank-Sterling Effect?
1) Change in lateral spacing b/n thick (myosin) and thin (actin) filaments that favor greater force development
2) Increased sensitivity of myofilaments to Ca
Define Inotropic state (IS).
is the contractility of cardiac mm as a function of the intracellular [Ca] present in the myoplasm.
Describe the pathway of how increased intracellular [Ca] leads to contraction.
Figure pp. 8
T/F Change in IS is somewhat dependent on changes in fiber length.
F. Change in IS is completely independent from change in fiber length (although both determine the output of the heart).
NOTE: 2 identical mm fibers can contract with d/f force if they start @ d/f lengths. BUT 2 fibers with d/f force of contraction at the same starting length have fundamentally d/f properties.
T/F Frank-Sterling Effect is an inherent property of the mm in the absence of extrinsic effectors.
T. While IS is the force of contraction due to increase in intracellular [Ca]. IS independent of initial length.
What affects IS?
1) Ca in myoplasm
2) # of functional myocytes
3) Coronary supply of O2 (which affects the # of functional myocytes)
Define Afterload.
is the pressure against which the heart pumps.
When the afterload (MAP) is higher what happens to stroke volume?
Stroke Volume gets smaller.
What is homeometric autoregulation?
Homeometric autoregulation is increased force of contraction and a partial restoration of SV. It happens when afterload increases and leads to decreased ejection and increased end systolic volume. This leads to increased end diastolic volume after refilling of the ventricle and increased ventricular stretch (increased fiber length and contraction) before next beat.
Briefly describe the events happening during cardiac cycle.
pp. 144
Ventricular Systole
Ventricular Diastole
What are the 1st and 2nd heart sounds related to?
The 1st heart sound is related to the closing of the AV valve.
The 2nd heart sound is related to the closing of the semilunar valves.
What does the pattern of deflection (P-wave, QRS-complex, and T-wave) in the ECG during the cardiac cycle signify?
P-wave: atrial depolarization (contraction, systole)
QRS-complex: ventricular depolarization (contraction, systole)
T-wave: ventricular repolarization (relaxation, diastole)
How much blood fills the left ventricle during diastole? How much of it is ejected as SV during systole?
135mL, and 70mL respectively.
The ventricle never completely empties.
What is the ejection fraction for the left ventricle?
50% (It ejects 50mL of it 135mL of blood).
What is the maximum pressure developed in systole of the left and right ventricle?
It is 120 mmHg for the left and 20mmHg for the right ventricle.
T/F The right heart beats at the same time as the left hear and the amount of blood ejected from each ventricle is the same.
T. The events making up the cardiac cycle are the same in the right and left hearts BUT the absolute pressures are different.
How can we represent the cardiac cycle as a pressure-volume loop?
By simultaneously measuring ventricular pressure and ventricular volume during a cardiac cycle.
Explain left ventricle diastole, systole, mitral and aortic valve (closure and opening) and isovolumetric contraction and relaxation using the pressure-loop diagram.
PP. 10
The diagonal line passing through C is a representation of the current inotropic state of the heart.
What is the equation for cardiac output (CO)?
CO=HRxSV (Causal relationship)
SV=CO/HR (NOT causal relationship)
HR-Heart rate
SV-Stroke volume
What is the physiologically dominant determinant of cardiac output?
Heart Rate.
NOTE: HR controlled by ANS. The SA node has both sympathetic and parasympathetic inputs=> cause HR to vary physiologically over a wide range.
What is the range of HR and SV?
HR: 40-180/min. Normal resting HR=70 beats/min
SV: 75-110ml. Resting and recumbent= 85-90ml,
Resting and standing=75-80ml,
Strenuous exercise=105-110ml
What are the factors that affect SV?
Inotropic State
What are other names for preload (filling) and afterload?
Preload-EDV/EDP (End diastolic volume/ End diastolic pressure)
Afterload-Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP)
What is the most potent determinant of SV?
Preload/Filling (EDV/EDP)
What results from increased end diastolic volume (preload)?
Increased preload stretches the walls of the ventricles and increases the length of the cardiac mm fibers. This causes increased force of contraction and thus increased SV as the ventricle contracts.
FIGURE pp 13 presentation.
NOTE: cardiac mm prevent mm from stretching to lengths where force begins to decrease to any great extent.
How does the IS affect the SV?
directly related to SV BUT as physiological responses occur the role of IS is to increase SV when preload decreases for some reason (this will be clear when we study reflexes).
How does afterload affect SV?
It is qualitatively always a factor (it is inversely related to SV) BUT its quantitative effect is only significant when MAP is very high (or when MAP decreases from a high value).
What are the 2 functions that the heart serves as a pump?
1) Flow out of the heart that ultimately perfuses tissues
2) The heart produces gradient that causes tissue perfusion
What is the general paradigm for controlling flow to organ systems?
1) Pressure is maintained as a constant which drives flow
2) Resistance is varied to control flow to individual organ systems and tissues to meet their needs
Look at the case presented:
At the end of the presentation. Understand how the condition leads to increased IS and SV…
Looking at the pressure-volume loop. What will happen to the volume at A and D when an aortic stenosis is present? Figure pp. 10
During Isovolumetric contraction and relaxation the aortic pressure is higher than the ventricular pressure. If the valve is not closed (insufficient) blood will move from the aorta to the ventricles. That is volume at A and D will move to the right.